A Concordance to Beowulf
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Habbað: 270: Habbað we to þæm mæran micel ærende,
habban: 446: hafalan hydan, ac he me habban wile
habban: 462: for herebrogan habban ne mihte.
habban: 1176: hererinc habban. Heorot is gefælsod,
habban: 1490: heardecg habban; ic me mid Hruntinge
habban: 1798: heaþoliðende habban scoldon.
habban: 2740: feorhbennum seoc gefean habban;
habban: 3017: habban on healse hringweorðunge,
had: 1297: on gesiðes had be sæm tweonum,
had: 1335: þurh hæstne had heardum clammum,
had: 2193: sincmaðþum selra on sweordes had;
hador: 414: under heofenes hador beholen weorþeð.
hador: 497: hador on Heorote. þær wæs hæleða dream,
hadre: 1571: efne swa of hefene hadre scineð
hæbbe: 381: heaþorof hæbbe. Hine halig god
hæbbe: 383: to Westdenum, þæs ic wen hæbbe,
hæbbe: 408: mæg ond magoðegn; hæbbe ic mærða fela
Hæbbe: 433: Hæbbe ic eac geahsod þæt se æglæca
hæbbe: 950: worolde wilna, þe ic geweald hæbbe.
hæbbe: 1196: þara þe ic on foldan gefrægen hæbbe.
hæbbe: 1928: under burhlocan gebiden hæbbe,
Hæðcen: 2925: Hæðcen Hreþling wið Hrefnawudu,
Hæðcyn: 2434: Herebeald ond Hæðcyn oððe Hygelac min.
Hæðcyn: 2437: syððan hyne Hæðcyn of hornbogan,
Hæðcynne: 2482: heardan ceape; Hæðcynne wearð,
hæðen: 2276: hord on hrusan, þær he hæðen gold
hæðnum: 2216: hæðnum horde, hond [...],
hæðstapa: 1368: ðeah þe hæðstapa hundum geswenced,
hæfde: 79: se þe his wordes geweald wide hæfde.
hæfde: 106: siþðan him scyppend forscrifen hæfde
Hæfde: 205: Hæfde se goda Geata leoda
hæfde: 220: wundenstefna gewaden hæfde
hæfde: 518: hæfde mare mægen. þa hine on morgentid
hæfde: 554: fah feondscaða, fæste hæfde
Hæfde: 665: cwen to gebeddan. Hæfde kyningwuldor
hæfde: 743: synsnædum swealh; sona hæfde
hæfde: 804: ac he sigewæpnum forsworen hæfde,
hæfde: 814: hæfde be honda; wæs gehwæþer oðrum
Hæfde: 825: Hæfde þa gefælsod se þe ær feorran com,
Hæfde: 828: ellenmærþum. Hæfde Eastdenum
Hæfde: 893: Hæfde aglæca elne gegongen
hæfde: 1167: þæt he hæfde mod micel, þeah þe he his magum nære
hæfde: 1202: þone hring hæfde Higelac Geata,
hæfde: 1294: Hraðe heo æþelinga anne hæfde
hæfde: 1472: syðþan he hine to guðe gegyred hæfde.
Hæfde: 1550: Hæfde ða forsiðod sunu Ecgþeowes
hæfde: 1599: þæt hine seo brimwylf abroten hæfde.
hæfde: 1625: mægenbyrþenne þara þe he him mid hæfde.
hæfde: 2145: Nealles ic ðam leanum forloren hæfde,
hæfde: 2158: cwæð þæt hyt hæfde Hiorogar cyning,
hæfde: 2301: ðæt hæfde gumena sum goldes gefandod,
Hæfde: 2321: Hæfde landwara lige befangen,
Hæfde: 2333: Hæfde ligdraca leoda fæsten,
hæfde: 2361: hæfde him on earme ana [XXX]
hæfde: 2397: Swa he niða gehwane genesen hæfde,
Hæfde: 2403: Hæfde þa gefrunen hwanan sio fæhð aras,
hæfde: 2430: heold mec ond hæfde Hreðel cyning,
hæfde: 2579: þonne his ðiodcyning þearfe hæfde,
hæfde: 2726: þæt he dæghwila gedrogen hæfde,
hæfde: 2844: hæfde æghwæðer ende gefered
hæfde: 2952: hæfde Higelaces hilde gefrunen,
hæfde: 3046: hæfde eorðscrafa ende genyttod.
hæfde: 3074: næs he goldhwæte gearwor hæfde
hæfde: 3147: oðþæt he ða banhus gebrocen hæfde,
hæfdon: 117: æfter beorþege gebun hæfdon.
Hæfdon: 539: Hæfdon swurd nacod, þa wit on sund reon,
hæfdon: 562: Næs hie ðære fylle gefean hæfdon,
hæfdon: 694: ac hie hæfdon gefrunen þæt hie ær to fela micles
hæfdon: 883: hæfdon ealfela eotena cynnes
hæfdon: 2104: ond we to symble geseten hæfdon.
hæfdon: 2381: hæfdon hy forhealden helm Scylfinga,
hæfdon: 2630: syððan hie togædre gegan hæfdon.
hæfdon: 2707: ond hi hyne þa begen abroten hæfdon,
hæfdon: 3165: niðhedige men genumen hæfdon,
hæfen: 3023: hæfen on handa, nalles hearpan sweg
hæft: 2408: hæft hygegiomor, sceolde hean ðonon
hæftmece: 1457: wæs þæm hæftmece Hrunting nama.
hæftnyd: 3155: hynðo ond hæftnyd. Heofon rece swealg.
hæfton: 788: helle hæfton. Heold hine fæste
hægstealdra: 1889: hægstealdra heap, hringnet bæron,
hæl: 204: hwetton higerofne, hæl sceawedon.
hæl: 653: Hroðgar Beowulf, ond him hæl abead,
hæle: 719: heardran hæle, healðegnas fand.
hæle: 1217: hyse, mid hæle, ond þisses hrægles neot,
hæle: 1646: hæle hildedeor, Hroðgar gretan.
hæle: 1816: hæle hildedeor Hroðgar grette.
hæle: 3111: hæle hildedior, hæleða monegum,
hæleð: 52: hæleð under heofenum, hwa þæm hlæste onfeng.
hæleð: 190: singala seað, ne mihte snotor hæleð
hæleð: 331: wæpnum gewurþad. þa ðær wlonc hæleð
hæleð: 1069: hæleð Healfdena, Hnæf Scyldinga,
hæleð: 2247: "Heald þu nu, hruse, nu hæleð ne moston,
hæleð: 2458: hæleð in hoðman; nis þær hearpan sweg,
hæleð: 3142: hæleð hiofende, hlaford leofne.
hæleða: 497: hador on Heorote. þær wæs hæleða dream,
hæleða: 2072: hondræs hæleða. Syððan heofones gim
hæleða: 2224: hæleða bearna heteswengeas fleah,
hæleða: 3005: æfter hæleða hryre, hwate Scildingas,
hæleða: 3111: hæle hildedior, hæleða monegum,
hæleðum: 1709: hæleðum to helpe. Ne wearð Heremod swa
hæleðum: 1961: hæleðum to helpe, Hemminges mæg,
hæleðum: 1983: hæleðum to handa. Higelac ongan
hæleðum: 2024: hæleðum sealde. Sio gehaten is,
hæleðum: 2262: hæleðum be healfe. Næs hearpan wyn,
hæleþa: 467: hordburh hæleþa; ða wæs Heregar dead,
hæleþa: 611: ðær wæs hæleþa hleahtor, hlyn swynsode,
hæleþa: 662: ða him Hroþgar gewat mid his hæleþa gedryht,
hæleþa: 912: hord ond hleoburh, hæleþa rice,
hæleþa: 1047: hordweard hæleþa, heaþoræsas geald
hæleþa: 1189: Hreðric ond Hroðmund, ond hæleþa bearn,
hæleþa: 1198: hordmaððum hæleþa, syþðan Hama ætwæg
hæleþa: 1296: Se wæs Hroþgare hæleþa leofost
hæleþa: 1830: hæleþa to helpe. Ic on Higelac wat,
hæleþa: 1852: hordweard hæleþa, gyf þu healdan wylt
hæleþa: 1954: hiold heahlufan wið hæleþa brego,
hæleþa: 2052: æfter hæleþa hryre, hwate Scyldungas?
hælo: 2418: þenden hælo abead heorðgeneatum,
Hæreðes: 1981: geond þæt healreced Hæreðes dohtor,
Hæreþes: 1929: Hæreþes dohtor; næs hio hnah swa þeah,
hærgtrafum: 175: Hwilum hie geheton æt hærgtrafum
hæstne: 1335: þurh hæstne had heardum clammum,
hæþene: 852: hæþene sawle; þær him hel onfeng.
hæþenes: 986: hæþenes handsporu hilderinces,
hæþenra: 179: hæþenra hyht; helle gemundon
Hafa: 658: Hafa nu ond geheald husa selest,
hafa: 1395: ðys dogor þu geþyld hafa
hafað: 474: gumena ængum hwæt me Grendel hafað
hafað: 595: Ac he hafað onfunden þæt he þa fæhðe ne þearf,
hafað: 939: scuccum ond scinnum. Nu scealc hafað
hafað: 975: synnum geswenced, ac hyne sar hafað
hafað: 1340: ge feor hafað fæhðe gestæled
hafað: 1610: onwindeð wælrapas, se geweald hafað
hafað: 2026: hafað þæs geworden wine Scyldinga,
hafað: 2265: burhstede beateð. Bealocwealm hafað
hafað: 2453: yrfeweardas, þonne se an hafað
hafalan: 446: hafalan hydan, ac he me habban wile
hafast: 953: sæmran æt sæcce. þu þe self hafast
hafast: 1174: nean ond feorran þu nu hafast.
Hafast: 1221: Hafast þu gefered þæt ðe feor ond neah
hafast: 1849: folces hyrde, ond þu þin feorh hafast,
Hafast: 1855: Hafast þu gefered þæt þam folcum sceal,
hafelan: 672: helm of hafelan, sealde his hyrsted sweord,
hafelan: 1120: hlynode for hlawe; hafelan multon,
hafelan: 1327: hafelan weredon, þonne hniton feþan,
hafelan: 1372: hafelan hydan. Nis þæt heoru stow!
hafelan: 1421: on þam holmclife hafelan metton.
hafelan: 1448: ac se hwita helm hafelan werede,
hafelan: 1521: þæt hire on hafelan hringmæl agol
hafelan: 1614: buton þone hafelan ond þa hilt somod
hafelan: 1635: from þæm holmclife hafelan bæron
hafelan: 1780: þæt ic on þone hafelan heorodreorigne
hafen: 1290: hafen handa fæst; helm ne gemunde,
hafenade: 1573: hwearf þa be wealle, wæpen hafenade
hafo: 2150: lissa gelong; ic lyt hafo
hafo: 3000: wælnið wera, ðæs ðe ic wen hafo,
hafoc: 2263: gomen gleobeames, ne god hafoc
hafu: 2523: oreðes ond attres; forðon ic me on hafu
hagan: 2892: Heht ða þæt heaðoweorc to hagan biodan
hagan: 2960: syððan Hreðlingas to hagan þrungon.
hal: 300: þæt þone hilderæs hal gedigeð.
hal: 407: Wæs þu, Hroðgar, hal. Ic eom Higelaces
hal: 1974: heaðolaces hal to hofe gongan.
halan: 1503: halan lice; hring utan ymbbearh,
Halga: 61: Heorogar ond Hroðgar ond Halga til;
halig: 381: heaþorof hæbbe. Hine halig god
halig: 686: on swa hwæþere hond, halig dryhten,
halig: 1553: herenet hearde, ond halig god
halse: 1566: þæt hire wið halse heard grapode,
ham: 124: huðe hremig to ham faran,
ham: 194: þæt fram ham gefrægn Higelaces þegn,
ham: 374: ðæm to ham forgeaf Hreþel Geata
ham: 717: þæt he Hroþgares ham gesohte;
ham: 1147: sweordbealo sliðen æt his selfes ham,
ham: 1156: swylce hie æt Finnes ham findan meahton
ham: 1248: ge æt ham ge on herge, ge gehwæþer þara,
ham: 1407: þara þe mid Hroðgare ham eahtode.
ham: 1601: hwate Scyldingas; gewat him ham þonon
ham: 1923: Higelac Hreþling, þær æt ham wunað
ham: 2325: snude to soðe, þæt his sylfes ham,
ham: 2992: Hreðles eafora, þa he to ham becom,
Hama: 1198: hordmaððum hæleþa, syþðan Hama ætwæg
hamas: 1127: hamas ond heaburh. Hengest ða gyt
hamere: 1285: þonne heoru bunden, hamere geþuren,
hames: 2366: fram þam hildfrecan hames niosan.
hames: 2388: hames niosan, syððan Heardred læg,
hamweorðunge: 2998: hamweorðunge, hyldo to wedde.
hand: 558: mihtig meredeor þurh mine hand.
hand: 983: ofer heanne hrof hand sceawedon,
hand: 1343: hreþerbealo hearde; nu seo hand ligeð,
hand: 1678: harum hildfruman, on hand gyfen,
hand: 2099: hand on Hiorte, ond he hean ðonan
hand: 2137: þær unc hwile wæs hand gemæne,
hand: 2208: on hand gehwearf; he geheold tela
hand: 2697: Ne hedde he þæs heafolan, ac sio hand gebarn
handa: 495: se þe on handa bær hroden ealowæge,
handa: 540: heard on handa; wit unc wið hronfixas
handa: 746: nam þa mid handa higeþihtigne
handa: 1290: hafen handa fæst; helm ne gemunde,
handa: 1983: hæleðum to handa. Higelac ongan
handa: 2720: Hyne þa mid handa heorodreorigne,
handa: 3023: hæfen on handa, nalles hearpan sweg
handa: 3124: hilderinca; sum on handa bær
handbanan: 1330: Wearð him on Heorote to handbanan
handbonan: 460: wearþ he Heaþolafe to handbonan
handbonan: 2502: to handbonan, Huga cempan;
handgesteallan: 2596: Nealles him on heape handgesteallan,
handgewriþene: 1937: handgewriþene; hraþe seoþðan wæs
handscale: 1317: mid his handscale healwudu dynede,
handsporu: 986: hæþenes handsporu hilderinces,
hangað: 2447: sarigne sang, þonne his sunu hangað
hangian: 1662: þæt ic on wage geseah wlitig hangian
hangode: 2085: grapode gearofolm. Glof hangode
har: 1307: har hilderinc, on hreon mode,
har: 3136: har hilderinc to Hronesnæsse.
hare: 2153: heaðosteapne helm, hare byrnan,
hares: 2988: hares hyrste Higelace bær.
harne: 887: hordes hyrde. He under harne stan,
harne: 1415: ofer harne stan hleonian funde,
harne: 2553: heaðotorht hlynnan under harne stan.
harne: 2744: hord sceawian under harne stan,
harum: 1678: harum hildfruman, on hand gyfen,
hat: 386: Beo ðu on ofeste, hat in gan
hat: 897: Wælses eafera. Wyrm hat gemealt.
hat: 1616: forbarn brodenmæl; wæs þæt blod to þæs hat,
hat: 2296: hat ond hreohmod hlæw oft ymbehwearf
hat: 2547: heaðofyrum hat; ne meahte horde neah
hat: 2558: hat hildeswat. Hruse dynede.
hat: 2605: under heregriman hat þrowian.
hat: 2691: hat ond heaðogrim, heals ealne ymbefeng
hat: 3148: hat on hreðre. Higum unrote
Hatað: 2802: Hatað heaðomære hlæw gewyrcean
hatan: 68: þæt healreced hatan wolde,
hatan: 1423: hatan heolfre. Horn stundum song
hatan: 2806: þæt hit sæliðend syððan hatan
hate: 293: Swylce ic maguþegnas mine hate
hate: 2819: hate heaðowylmas; him of hreðre gewat
haten: 102: Wæs se grimma gæst Grendel haten,
haten: 263: æþele ordfruma, Ecgþeow haten.
haten: 373: Wæs his ealdfæder Ecgþeo haten,
haten: 991: ða wæs haten hreþe Heort innanweard
haten: 2602: Wiglaf wæs haten Weoxstanes sunu,
hates: 2522: Ac ic ðær heaðufyres hates wene,
hatian: 2466: no ðy ær he þone heaðorinc hatian ne meahte
hatne: 2781: hatne for horde, hioroweallende
hatode: 2319: hatode ond hynde; hord eft gesceat,
haton: 849: haton heolfre, heorodreore weol.
hatost: 1668: hatost heaþoswata. Ic þæt hilt þanan
he: 7: feasceaft funden, he þæs frofre gebad,
he: 29: swæse gesiþas, swa he selfa bæd,
He: 80: He beot ne aleh, beagas dælde,
he: 88: þæt he dogora gehwam dream gehyrde
he: 108: ece drihten, þæs þe he Abel slog;
he: 109: ne gefeah he þære fæhðe, ac he hine feor forwræc,
he: 109: ne gefeah he þære fæhðe, ac he hine feor forwræc,
he: 114: lange þrage; he him ðæs lean forgeald.
he: 168: no he þone gifstol gretan moste,
he: 203: lythwon logon, þeah he him leof wære;
he: 206: cempan gecorone þara þe he cenoste
he: 264: Gebad wintra worn, ær he on weg hwurfe,
he: 279: hu he frod ond god feond oferswyðeþ,
he: 346: aldre þinum, gif he us geunnan wile
he: 358: eode ellenrof, þæt he for eaxlum gestod
he: 359: Deniga frean; cuþe he duguðe þeaw.
he: 379: þyder to þance, þæt he XXXtiges
he: 392: aldor Eastdena, þæt he eower æþelu can,
he: 404: heard under helme, þæt he on heoðe gestod.
he: 442: Wen ic þæt he wille, gif he wealdan mot,
he: 442: Wen ic þæt he wille, gif he wealdan mot,
he: 444: etan unforhte, swa he oft dyde,
he: 446: hafalan hydan, ac he me habban wile
he: 460: wearþ he Heaþolafe to handbonan
he: 463: þanon he gesohte Suðdena folc
he: 472: ealde madmas; he me aþas swor.
he: 503: forþon þe he ne uþe þæt ænig oðer man
he: 505: gehedde under heofenum þonne he sylfa:
he: 517: seofon niht swuncon; he þe æt sunde oferflat,
he: 520: ðonon he gesohte swæsne eþel,
he: 522: freoðoburh fægere, þær he folc ahte
he: 541: werian þohton. No he wiht fram me
he: 595: Ac he hafað onfunden þæt he þa fæhðe ne þearf,
he: 595: Ac he hafað onfunden þæt he þa fæhðe ne þearf,
he: 599: leode Deniga, ac he lust wigeð,
He: 618: leodum leofne. He on lust geþeah
He: 628: fyrena frofre. He þæt ful geþeah,
he: 671: ða he him of dyde isernbyrnan,
he: 676: Beowulf Geata, ær he on bed stige:
he: 681: Nat he þara goda þæt he me ongean slea,
he: 681: Nat he þara goda þæt he me ongean slea,
he: 682: rand geheawe, þeah ðe he rof sie
he: 684: secge ofersittan, gif he gesecean dear
he: 691: Nænig heora þohte þæt he þanon scolde
he: 693: folc oþðe freoburh, þær he afeded wæs;
he: 708: ac he wæccende wraþum on andan
he: 714: Wod under wolcnum to þæs þe he winreced,
he: 717: þæt he Hroþgares ham gesohte;
he: 718: næfre he on aldordagum ær ne siþðan
he: 722: fyrbendum fæst, syþðan he hire folmum æthran;
he: 723: onbræd þa bealohydig, ða he gebolgen wæs,
he: 728: Geseah he in recede rinca manige,
he: 731: mynte þæt he gedælde, ærþon dæg cwome,
he: 735: þæt he ma moste manna cynnes
he: 740: ac he gefeng hraðe forman siðe
he: 748: feond mid folme; he onfeng hraþe
he: 751: þæt he ne mette middangeardes,
He: 753: mundgripe maran. He on mode wearð
he: 757: swylce he on ealderdagum ær gemette.
he: 762: Mynte se mæra, þær he meahte swa,
he: 772: wiðhæfde heaþodeorum, þæt he on hrusan ne feol,
he: 773: fæger foldbold; ac he þæs fæste wæs
he: 804: ac he sigewæpnum forsworen hæfde,
he: 811: fyrene gefremede he wæs fag wið god,
he: 844: hu he werigmod on weg þanon,
he: 875: þæt he fram Sigemundes secgan hyrde
he: 880: þonne he swulces hwæt secgan wolde,
He: 887: hordes hyrde. He under harne stan,
he: 894: þæt he beahhordes brucan moste
he: 900: ellendædum he þæs ær onðah,
He: 902: eafoð ond ellen. He mid Eotenum wearð
he: 905: lemede to lange; he his leodum wearð,
He: 913: eþel Scyldinga. He þær eallum wearð,
he: 925: Hroðgar maþelode he to healle geong,
he: 956: gode forgylde, swa he nu gyt dyde.
he: 965: þæt he for mundgripe minum scolde
he: 970: feond on feþe. Hwæþere he his folme forlet
he: 1025: ful on flette; no he þære feohgyfte
he: 1055: mane acwealde, swa he hyra ma wolde,
he: 1058: gumena cynnes, swa he nu git deð.
he: 1082: þæt he ne mehte on þæm meðelstede
he: 1093: fættan goldes, swa he Fresena cyn
he: 1098: þæt he þa wealafe weotena dome
he: 1130: þeah þe he ne meahte on mere drifan
he: 1138: gist of geardum; he to gyrnwræce
he: 1140: gif he torngemot þurhteon mihte
he: 1141: þæt he Eotena bearn inne gemunde.
he: 1142: Swa he ne forwyrnde woroldrædenne,
he: 1167: þæt he hæfde mod micel, þeah þe he his magum nære
he: 1167: þæt he hæfde mod micel, þeah þe he his magum nære
he: 1181: glædne Hroþulf, þæt he þa geogoðe wile
he: 1182: arum healdan, gyf þu ær þonne he,
he: 1184: wene ic þæt he mid gode gyldan wille
he: 1185: uncran eaferan, gif he þæt eal gemon,
he: 1204: siðþan he under segne sinc ealgode,
he: 1206: syþðan he for wlenco wean ahsode,
He: 1207: fæhðe to Frysum. He þa frætwe wæg,
he: 1209: rice þeoden; he under rande gecranc.
he: 1263: fæderenmæge; he þa fag gewat,
he: 1270: hwæþre he gemunde mægenes strenge,
he: 1273: frofre ond fultum; ðy he þone feond ofercwom,
he: 1274: gehnægde helle gast. þa he hean gewat,
he: 1308: syðþan he aldorþegn unlyfigendne,
he: 1318: þæt he þone wisan wordum nægde
he: 1336: forþan he to lange leode mine
He: 1337: wanode ond wyrde. He æt wige gecrang
he: 1353: næfne he wæs mara þonne ænig man oðer;
he: 1370: feorran geflymed, ær he feorh seleð,
he: 1371: aldor on ofre, ær he in wille
he: 1385: þæt he his freond wrece, þonne he fela murne.
he: 1385: þæt he his freond wrece, þonne he fela murne.
he: 1392: Ic hit þe gehate, no he on helm losaþ,
he: 1394: ne on gyfenes grund, ga þær he wille.
He: 1412: He feara sum beforan gengde
he: 1414: oþþæt he færinga fyrgenbeamas
he: 1435: herestræl hearda; he on holme wæs
he: 1466: eafoþes cræftig, þæt he ær gespræc
he: 1467: wine druncen, þa he þæs wæpnes onlah
he: 1470: drihtscype dreogan; þær he dome forleas,
he: 1472: syðþan he hine to guðe gegyred hæfde.
he: 1485: geseon sunu Hrædles, þonne he on þæt sinc starað,
he: 1496: ær he þone grundwong ongytan mehte.
he: 1508: swa he ne mihte, no he þæs modig wæs,
he: 1508: swa he ne mihte, no he þæs modig wæs,
he: 1513: þæt he in niðsele nathwylcum wæs,
he: 1535: þonne he æt guðe gegan þenceð
he: 1539: brægd þa beadwe heard, þa he gebolgen wæs,
he: 1544: feþecempa, þæt he on fylle wearð.
he: 1556: yðelice, syþðan he eft astod.
He: 1563: He gefeng þa fetelhilt, freca Scyldinga
He: 1572: rodores candel. He æfter recede wlat;
he: 1576: hilderince, ac he hraþe wolde
he: 1578: ðara þe he geworhte to Westdenum
he: 1580: þonne he Hroðgares heorðgeneatas
He: 1584: laðlicu lac. He him þæs lean forgeald,
he: 1585: reþe cempa, to ðæs þe he on ræste geseah
he: 1589: syþðan he æfter deaðe drepe þrowade,
he: 1597: þæt he sigehreðig secean come
he: 1612: Ne nom he in þæm wicum, Wedergeata leod,
he: 1613: maðmæhta ma, þeh he þær monige geseah,
he: 1625: mægenbyrþenne þara þe he him mid hæfde.
he: 1711: ne geweox he him to willan, ac to wælfealle
he: 1714: eaxlgesteallan, oþþæt he ana hwearf,
he: 1721: þæt he þæs gewinnes weorc þrowade,
he: 1727: eard ond eorlscipe; he ah ealra geweald.
he: 1728: Hwilum he on lufan læteð hworfan
he: 1733: side rice, þæt he his selfa ne mæg
he: 1735: Wunað he on wiste; no hine wiht dweleð
he: 1739: wendeð on willan (he þæt wyrse ne con),
he: 1748: þinceð him to lytel þæt he lange heold,
he: 1750: fædde beagas, ond he þa forðgesceaft
he: 1810: cwæð, he þone guðwine godne tealde,
he: 1831: Geata dryhten, þeah ðe he geong sy,
he: 1832: folces hyrde, þæt he mec fremman wile
he: 1837: geþingeð, þeodnes bearn, he mæg þær fela
he: 1877: þæt he þone breostwylm forberan ne mehte,
he: 1891: eftsið eorla, swa he ær dyde;
he: 1892: no he mid hearme of hliðes nosan
He: 1900: He þæm batwearde bunden golde
he: 1901: swurd gesealde, þæt he syðþan wæs
he: 2003: wearð on ðam wange, þær he worna fela
he: 2012: syððan he modsefan minne cuðe,
he: 2028: þæt he mid ðy wife wælfæhða dæl,
he: 2034: þonne he mid fæmnan on flett gæð,
he: 2077: feorhbealu fægum; he fyrmest læg,
he: 2084: ac he mægnes rof min costode,
He: 2089: He mec þær on innan unsynnigne,
He: 2096: weorðode weorcum. He on weg losade,
he: 2099: hand on Hiorte, ond he hean ðonan
he: 2114: þonne he wintrum frod worn gemunde.
he: 2134: mærðo fremede; he me mede gehet.
he: 2146: mægnes mede, ac he me maðmas geaf,
he: 2161: hwatum Heorowearde, þeah he him hold wære,
he: 2165: æppelfealuwe; he him est geteah
he: 2172: Hyrde ic þæt he ðone healsbeah Hygde gesealde,
he: 2181: ac he mancynnes mæste cræfte
he: 2187: swyðe wendon þæt he sleac wære,
he: 2194: þæt he on Biowulfes bearm alegde
he: 2208: on hand gehwearf; he geheold tela
He: 2217: since fahne. He þæt syððan [...],
he: 2218: þeah ðe he slæpende besyred wurde
he: 2220: bufolc beorna, þæt he gebolgen wæs.
he: 2240: þæt he lytel fæc longgestreona
He: 2275: swiðe ondrædað. He gesecean sceall
he: 2276: hord on hrusan, þær he hæðen gold
he: 2289: feondes fotlast; he to forð gestop
He: 2300: sincfæt sohte. He þæt sona onfand
he: 2329: wende se wisa þæt he wealdende
he: 2339: wigbord wrætlic; wisse he gearwe
he: 2346: þæt he þone widflogan weorode gesohte,
he: 2347: sidan herge; no he him þa sæcce ondred,
he: 2349: eafoð ond ellen, forðon he ær fela
he: 2351: hildehlemma, syððan he Hroðgares,
he: 2362: hildegeatwa, þa he to holme beag.
he: 2371: þæt he wið ælfylcum eþelstolas
he: 2375: þæt he Heardrede hlaford wære
he: 2377: hwæðre he him on folce freondlarum heold,
he: 2378: estum mid are, oððæt he yldra wearð,
he: 2385: he þær for feorme feorhwunde hleat
he: 2395: wigum ond wæpnum; he gewræc syððan
he: 2397: Swa he niða gehwane genesen hæfde,
he: 2400: þe he wið þam wyrme gewegan sceolde.
He: 2409: wong wisian. He ofer willan giong
he: 2410: to ðæs ðe he eorðsele anne wisse,
he: 2446: giong on galgan, þonne he gyd wrece,
he: 2448: hrefne to hroðre, ond he him helpe ne mæg,
he: 2466: no ðy ær he þone heaðorinc hatian ne meahte
He: 2468: He ða mid þære sorhge, þe him swa sar belamp,
he: 2471: lond ond leodbyrig, þa he of life gewat.
he: 2490: Ic him þa maðmas, þe he me sealde,
he: 2492: leohtan sweorde; he me lond forgeaf,
he: 2494: þæt he to Gifðum oððe to Gardenum
he: 2503: nalles he ða frætwe Frescyninge,
he: 2534: þæt he wið aglæcean eofoðo dæle,
he: 2550: Let ða of breostum, ða he gebolgen wæs,
he: 2568: snude tosomne; he on searwum bad.
he: 2573: ðær he þy fyrste, forman dogore
he: 2606: Gemunde ða ða are þe he him ær forgeaf,
he: 2619: þeah ðe he his broðor bearn abredwade.
He: 2620: He frætwe geheold fela missera,
he: 2624: æghwæs unrim, þa he of ealdre gewat,
he: 2626: geongan cempan, þæt he guðe ræs
he: 2638: helmas ond heard sweord. ðe he usic on herge geceas
he: 2641: þe he usic garwigend gode tealde,
he: 2645: for ðam he manna mæst mærða gefremede,
he: 2657: þæt næron ealdgewyrht, þæt he ana scyle
he: 2686: swenge ofersohte, þonne he to sæcce bær
he: 2692: biteran banum; he geblodegod wearð
he: 2697: Ne hedde he þæs heafolan, ac sio hand gebarn
he: 2698: modiges mannes, þær he his mæges healp,
he: 2699: þæt he þone niðgæst nioðor hwene sloh,
he: 2704: biter ond beaduscearp, þæt he on byrnan wæg;
he: 2713: swelan ond swellan; he þæt sona onfand,
he: 2716: þæt he bi wealle wishycgende
he: 2724: Biowulf maþelode (he ofer benne spræc,
he: 2725: wunde wælbleate; wisse he gearwe
he: 2726: þæt he dæghwila gedrogen hæfde,
he: 2756: Geseah ða sigehreðig, þa he bi sesse geong,
he: 2767: Swylce he siomian geseah segn eallgylden
he: 2770: þæt he þone grundwong ongitan meahte,
he: 2782: middelnihtum, oðþæt he morðre swealt.
he: 2787: ellensiocne, þær he hine ær forlet.
He: 2788: He ða mid þam maðmum mærne þioden,
he: 2790: ealdres æt ende; he hine eft ongon
he: 2818: breostgehygdum, ær he bæl cure,
he: 2822: earfoðlice, þæt he on eorðan geseah
he: 2834: ansyn ywde, ac he eorðan gefeoll
he: 2838: þeah ðe he dæda gehwæs dyrstig wære,
he: 2839: þæt he wið attorsceaðan oreðe geræsde,
he: 2841: gif he wæccende weard onfunde
He: 2852: wlitan on Wilaf. He gewergad sæt,
he: 2855: Ne meahte he on eorðan, ðeah he uðe wel,
he: 2855: Ne meahte he on eorðan, ðeah he uðe wel,
he: 2859: gumena gehwylcum, swa he nu gen deð.
he: 2867: þonne he on ealubence oft gesealde
he: 2869: þeoden his þegnum, swylce he þrydlicost
he: 2871: þæt he genunga guðgewædu
he: 2875: sigora waldend, þæt he hyne sylfne gewræc
he: 2899: ac he soðlice sægde ofer ealle:
he: 2939: cwæð, he on mergenne meces ecgum
he: 2954: þæt he sæmannum onsacan mihte,
he: 2967: forð under fexe. Næs he forht swa ðeh,
he: 2973: ac he him on heafde helm ær gescer,
he: 2974: þæt he blode fah bugan sceolde,
he: 2975: feoll on foldan; næs he fæge þa git,
he: 2976: ac he hyne gewyrpte, þeah ðe him wund hrine.
He: 2989: He ðam frætwum feng ond him fægre gehet
he: 2992: Hreðles eafora, þa he to ham becom,
he: 3027: þenden he wið wulf wæl reafode."
he: 3029: laðra spella; he ne leag fela
he: 3055: sigora soðcyning, sealde þam ðe he wolde
he: 3056: (he is manna gehyld) hord openian,
he: 3066: Swa wæs Biowulfe, þa he biorges weard
he: 3074: næs he goldhwæte gearwor hæfde
he: 3081: þæt he ne grette goldweard þone,
he: 3082: lete hyne licgean þær he longe wæs,
he: 3098: micelne ond mærne, swa he manna wæs
he: 3100: þenden he burhwelan brucan moste.
he: 3108: leofne mannan, þær he longe sceal
he: 3140: beorhtum byrnum, swa he bena wæs;
he: 3147: oðþæt he ða banhus gebrocen hæfde,
he: 3176: ferhðum freoge, þonne he forð scile
he: 3180: cwædon þæt he wære wyruldcyninga
heaburh: 1127: hamas ond heaburh. Hengest ða gyt
Heaðabeardna: 2037: heard ond hringmæl Heaðabeardna gestreon
Heaðobeardna: 2032: Mæg þæs þonne ofþyncan ðeodne Heaðobeardna
Heaðobeardna: 2067: þy ic Heaðobeardna hyldo ne telge,
heaðobyrne: 1552: nemne him heaðobyrne helpe gefremede,
heaðofyrum: 2547: heaðofyrum hat; ne meahte horde neah
heaðogrim: 548: heaðogrim ondhwearf; hreo wæron yþa.
heaðogrim: 2691: hat ond heaðogrim, heals ealne ymbefeng
heaðolace: 584: æt heaðolace, ne gehwæþer incer,
heaðolaces: 1974: heaðolaces hal to hofe gongan.
heaðoliðendum: 2955: heaðoliðendum hord forstandan,
heaðomære: 2802: Hatað heaðomære hlæw gewyrcean
heaðoræsa: 526: ðeah þu heaðoræsa gehwær dohte,
heaðoreaf: 401: heaðoreaf heoldon, swa him se hearda bebead.
heaðorinc: 2466: no ðy ær he þone heaðorinc hatian ne meahte
heaðorincum: 370: se þæm heaðorincum hider wisade.
heaðorof: 2191: heaðorof cyning, Hreðles lafe
heaðoscearde: 2829: hearde, heaðoscearde homera lafe,
Heaðoscilfingas: 63: Heaðoscilfingas healsgebedda.
Heaðoscilfingas: 2205: hearde hildefrecan, Heaðoscilfingas,
heaðosiocum: 2754: hyran heaðosiocum, hringnet beran,
heaðosteapne: 2153: heaðosteapne helm, hare byrnan,
heaðotorht: 2553: heaðotorht hlynnan under harne stan.
heaðowædum: 39: hildewæpnum ond heaðowædum,
heaðoweorc: 2892: Heht ða þæt heaðoweorc to hagan biodan
heaðowylma: 82: heah ond horngeap, heaðowylma bad,
heaðowylmas: 2819: hate heaðowylmas; him of hreðre gewat
heaðufyres: 2522: Ac ic ðær heaðufyres hates wene,
heaðuswenge: 2581: æfter heaðuswenge on hreoum mode,
heafde: 1590: heorosweng heardne, ond hine þa heafde becearf.
heafde: 2138: holm heolfre weoll, ond ic heafde becearf
heafde: 2290: dyrnan cræfte dracan heafde neah.
heafde: 2973: ac he him on heafde helm ær gescer,
heafdon: 1242: Setton him to heafdon hilderandas,
heafo: 2477: ofer heafo healdan, ac ymb Hreosnabeorh
heafod: 48: heah ofer heafod, leton holm beran,
heafod: 1639: to þæm goldsele Grendles heafod,
heafod: 1648: Grendles heafod, þær guman druncon,
heafodbeorge: 1030: Ymb þæs helmes hrof heafodbeorge
heafodmægum: 588: heafodmægum; þæs þu in helle scealt
heafodmaga: 2151: heafodmaga nefne, Hygelac, ðec."
heafodwearde: 2909: healdeð higemæðum heafodwearde
heafolan: 2679: hildebille, þæt hyt on heafolan stod
heafolan: 2697: Ne hedde he þæs heafolan, ac sio hand gebarn
heafu: 1862: sceal hringnaca ofer heafu bringan
heah: 48: heah ofer heafod, leton holm beran,
heah: 57: heah Healfdene; heold þenden lifde,
heah: 82: heah ond horngeap, heaðowylma bad,
heah: 1926: heah in healle, Hygd swiðe geong,
heah: 2768: heah ofer horde, hondwundra mæst,
heah: 2805: heah hlifian on Hronesnæsse,
heah: 3157: hleo on hoe, se wæs heah ond brad,
heahcyninges: 1039: þæt wæs hildesetl heahcyninges,
heahgesceap: 3084: heold on heahgesceap. Hord ys gesceawod,
heahgestreona: 2302: heahgestreona. Hordweard onbad
heahlufan: 1954: hiold heahlufan wið hæleþa brego,
heahsele: 647: to þæm heahsele hilde geþinged,
heahsetl: 1087: healle ond heahsetl, þæt hie healfre geweald
heahstede: 285: on heahstede husa selest.
heal: 1151: forhabban in hreþre. ða wæs heal roden
Heal: 1214: hreawic heoldon. Heal swege onfeng.
healærna: 78: healærna mæst; scop him Heort naman
heald: 948: freogan on ferhþe; heald forð tela
Heald: 2247: "Heald þu nu, hruse, nu hæleð ne moston,
healdan: 230: se þe holmclifu healdan scolde,
healdan: 296: arum healdan, oþðæt eft byreð
healdan: 319: wið wrað werod wearde healdan.
healdan: 704: þa þæt hornreced healdan scoldon,
healdan: 1182: arum healdan, gyf þu ær þonne he,
healdan: 1348: micle mearcstapan moras healdan,
healdan: 1852: hordweard hæleþa, gyf þu healdan wylt
healdan: 2372: healdan cuðe, ða wæs Hygelac dead.
healdan: 2389: let ðone bregostol Biowulf healdan,
healdan: 2477: ofer heafo healdan, ac ymb Hreosnabeorh
healdan: 3034: hlimbed healdan þone þe him hringas geaf
healdan: 3166: forleton eorla gestreon eorðan healdan,
healdanne: 1731: to healdanne, hleoburh wera,
healde: 2719: ece eorðreced innan healde.
healdeð: 2909: healdeð higemæðum heafodwearde
healðegnas: 719: heardran hæle, healðegnas fand.
healðegnes: 142: healðegnes hete; heold hyne syðþan
healdest: 1705: ðin ofer þeoda gehwylce. Eal þu hit geþyldum healdest,
healfa: 800: ond on healfa gehwone heawan þohton,
healfa: 1095: ða hie getruwedon on twa healfa
healfa: 1305: þæt hie on ba healfa bicgan scoldon
Healfdena: 1069: hæleð Healfdena, Hnæf Scyldinga,
Healfdene: 57: heah Healfdene; heold þenden lifde,
Healfdenes: 189: Swa ða mælceare maga Healfdenes
Healfdenes: 268: sunu Healfdenes, secean cwomon,
Healfdenes: 344: Wille ic asecgan sunu Healfdenes,
Healfdenes: 469: bearn Healfdenes; se wæs betera ðonne ic.
Healfdenes: 645: sunu Healfdenes secean wolde
Healfdenes: 1009: þæt to healle gang Healfdenes sunu;
Healfdenes: 1020: Forgeaf þa Beowulfe bearn Healfdenes
Healfdenes: 1040: ðonne sweorda gelac sunu Healfdenes
Healfdenes: 1064: fore Healfdenes hildewisan,
Healfdenes: 1474: "Geþenc nu, se mæra maga Healfdenes,
Healfdenes: 1652: "Hwæt! we þe þas sælac, sunu Healfdenes,
Healfdenes: 1699: sunu Healfdenes (swigedon ealle):
Healfdenes: 1867: mago Healfdenes, maþmas [XII];
Healfdenes: 2011: sona me se mæra mago Healfdenes,
Healfdenes: 2143: maðma menigeo, maga Healfdenes.
Healfdenes: 2147: sunu Healfdenes, on minne sylfes dom;
healfe: 1675: þeoden Scyldinga, on þa healfe,
healfe: 2063: þonne bioð abrocene on ba healfe
healfe: 2262: hæleðum be healfe. Næs hearpan wyn,
healfre: 1087: healle ond heahsetl, þæt hie healfre geweald
healgamen: 1066: ðonne healgamen Hroþgares scop
heall: 487: heall heorudreore; ahte ic holdra þy læs,
healle: 89: hludne in healle; þær wæs hearpan sweg,
healle: 614: grette goldhroden guman on healle,
healle: 642: þa wæs eft swa ær inne on healle
healle: 663: eodur Scyldinga, ut of healle;
healle: 925: Hroðgar maþelode he to healle geong,
healle: 1009: þæt to healle gang Healfdenes sunu;
healle: 1087: healle ond heahsetl, þæt hie healfre geweald
healle: 1288: þa wæs on healle heardecg togen
healle: 1926: heah in healle, Hygd swiðe geong,
healp: 2698: modiges mannes, þær he his mæges healp,
healreced: 68: þæt healreced hatan wolde,
healreced: 1981: geond þæt healreced Hæreðes dohtor,
heals: 2691: hat ond heaðogrim, heals ealne ymbefeng
healsbeaga: 1195: hrægl ond hringas, healsbeaga mæst
healsbeah: 2172: Hyrde ic þæt he ðone healsbeah Hygde gesealde,
healse: 1872: ond be healse genam; hruron him tearas,
healse: 2809: Dyde him of healse hring gyldenne
healse: 3017: habban on healse hringweorðunge,
healsgebedda: 63: Heaðoscilfingas healsgebedda.
healsittendra: 2015: under heofones hwealf healsittendra
healsittendum: 2868: healsittendum helm ond byrnan,
healsode: 2132: healsode hreohmod, þæt ic on holma geþring
healwudu: 1317: mid his handscale healwudu dynede,
hean: 116: hean huses, hu hit Hringdene
hean: 713: sumne besyrwan in sele þam hean.
hean: 919: swiðhicgende to sele þam hean
hean: 1016: swiðhicgende on sele þam hean,
hean: 1274: gehnægde helle gast. þa he hean gewat,
hean: 1984: sinne geseldan in sele þam hean
hean: 2099: hand on Hiorte, ond he hean ðonan
Hean: 2183: heold hildedeor. Hean wæs lange,
hean: 2408: hæft hygegiomor, sceolde hean ðonon
hean: 3097: in bælstede beorh þone hean,
heanne: 983: ofer heanne hrof hand sceawedon,
heap: 335: heresceafta heap? Ic eom Hroðgares
heap: 400: þryðlic þegna heap; sume þær bidon,
heap: 432: þes hearda heap, Heorot fælsian.
heap: 730: magorinca heap. þa his mod ahlog;
heap: 1091: Hengestes heap hringum wenede
heap: 1627: ðryðlic þegna heap, þeodnes gefegon,
heap: 1889: hægstealdra heap, hringnet bæron,
heape: 2596: Nealles him on heape handgesteallan,
heard: 322: heard hondlocen, hringiren scir
heard: 342: heard under helme: We synt Higelaces
heard: 376: heard her cumen, sohte holdne wine.
heard: 404: heard under helme, þæt he on heoðe gestod.
heard: 540: heard on handa; wit unc wið hronfixas
heard: 551: heard, hondlocen, helpe gefremede,
heard: 886: syþðan wiges heard wyrm acwealde,
heard: 1539: brægd þa beadwe heard, þa he gebolgen wæs,
heard: 1566: þæt hire wið halse heard grapode,
heard: 1574: heard be hiltum Higelaces ðegn,
heard: 2037: heard ond hringmæl Heaðabeardna gestreon
heard: 2509: hond ond heard sweord, ymb hord wigan."
heard: 2539: heard under helme, hiorosercean bær
heard: 2638: helmas ond heard sweord. ðe he usic on herge geceas
heard: 2687: wæpen wundrum heard; næs him wihte ðe sel.
heard: 2914: heard wið Hugas, syððan Higelac cwom
heard: 2987: heard swyrd hilted ond his helm somod,
hearda: 401: heaðoreaf heoldon, swa him se hearda bebead.
hearda: 432: þes hearda heap, Heorot fælsian.
hearda: 1435: herestræl hearda; he on holme wæs
hearda: 1807: Heht þa se hearda Hrunting beran
hearda: 1963: Gewat him ða se hearda mid his hondscole
hearda: 2255: Sceal se hearda helm hyrsted golde
hearda: 2474: herenið hearda, syððan Hreðel swealt,
hearda: 2977: Let se hearda Higelaces þegn
heardan: 963: Ic hine hrædlice heardan clammum
heardan: 2482: heardan ceape; Hæðcynne wearð,
hearde: 1343: hreþerbealo hearde; nu seo hand ligeð,
hearde: 1438: heorohocyhtum hearde genearwod,
hearde: 1553: herenet hearde, ond halig god
hearde: 2205: hearde hildefrecan, Heaðoscilfingas,
hearde: 2829: hearde, heaðoscearde homera lafe,
hearde: 3153: þæt hio hyre heofungdagas hearde ondrede,
heardecg: 1288: þa wæs on healle heardecg togen
heardecg: 1490: heardecg habban; ic me mid Hruntinge
heardhicgende: 394: heardhicgende hider wilcuman.
heardhicgende: 799: heardhicgende hildemecgas,
heardne: 1590: heorosweng heardne, ond hine þa heafde becearf.
heardra: 166: heardra hynða. Heorot eardode,
heardra: 988: þæt him heardra nan hrinan wolde
heardran: 576: under heofones hwealf heardran feohtan,
heardran: 719: heardran hæle, healðegnas fand.
Heardred: 2388: hames niosan, syððan Heardred læg,
Heardrede: 2202: ond Heardrede hildemeceas
Heardrede: 2375: þæt he Heardrede hlaford wære
heardum: 1335: þurh hæstne had heardum clammum,
heardum: 2170: niða heardum, nefa swyðe hold,
hearme: 1892: no he mid hearme of hliðes nosan
hearmscaþa: 766: þæt se hearmscaþa to Heorute ateah.
hearpan: 89: hludne in healle; þær wæs hearpan sweg,
hearpan: 2107: hwilum hildedeor hearpan wynne,
hearpan: 2262: hæleðum be healfe. Næs hearpan wyn,
hearpan: 2458: hæleð in hoðman; nis þær hearpan sweg,
hearpan: 3023: hæfen on handa, nalles hearpan sweg
heaum: 2212: se ðe on heaum hofe hord beweotode,
heawan: 800: ond on healfa gehwone heawan þohton,
heaþodeor: 688: Hylde hine þa heaþodeor, hleorbolster onfeng
heaþodeorum: 772: wiðhæfde heaþodeorum, þæt he on hrusan ne feol,
Heaþolafe: 460: wearþ he Heaþolafe to handbonan
heaþoliðende: 1798: heaþoliðende habban scoldon.
Heaþoræmas: 519: on Heaþoræmas holm up ætbær;
heaþoræs: 557: hildebille; heaþoræs fornam
heaþoræsas: 1047: hordweard hæleþa, heaþoræsas geald
heaþorof: 381: heaþorof hæbbe. Hine halig god
heaþorofe: 864: Hwilum heaþorofe hleapan leton,
heaþosteapa: 1245: heaþosteapa helm, hringed byrne,
heaþoswata: 1668: hatost heaþoswata. Ic þæt hilt þanan
heaþoswate: 1460: ahyrded heaþoswate; næfre hit æt hilde ne swac
heaþoswate: 1606: æfter heaþoswate hildegicelum,
hebban: 656: siþðan ic hond ond rond hebban mihte,
hedde: 2697: Ne hedde he þæs heafolan, ac sio hand gebarn
hefene: 1571: efne swa of hefene hadre scineð
Heht: 1035: Heht ða eorla hleo eahta mearas
heht: 1053: yrfelafe, ond þone ænne heht
heht: 1786: setles neosan, swa se snottra heht.
Heht: 1807: Heht þa se hearda Hrunting beran
heht: 1808: sunu Ecglafes, heht his sweord niman,
Heht: 2337: Heht him þa gewyrcean wigendra hleo
Heht: 2892: Heht ða þæt heaðoweorc to hagan biodan
hel: 852: hæþene sawle; þær him hel onfeng.
hellbendum: 3072: hergum geheaðerod, hellbendum fæst,
helle: 101: fyrene fremman feond on helle.
helle: 179: hæþenra hyht; helle gemundon
helle: 588: heafodmægum; þæs þu in helle scealt
helle: 788: helle hæfton. Heold hine fæste
helle: 1274: gehnægde helle gast. þa he hean gewat,
helm: 182: ne hie huru heofena helm herian ne cuþon,
helm: 371: Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga:
helm: 456: Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga:
helm: 672: helm of hafelan, sealde his hyrsted sweord,
helm: 1022: hroden hildecumbor, helm ond byrnan,
helm: 1245: heaþosteapa helm, hringed byrne,
helm: 1290: hafen handa fæst; helm ne gemunde,
helm: 1321: Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga:
helm: 1392: Ic hit þe gehate, no he on helm losaþ,
helm: 1448: ac se hwita helm hafelan werede,
helm: 1526: hondgemota, helm oft gescær,
helm: 1623: Com þa to lande lidmanna helm
helm: 1629: ða wæs of þæm hroran helm ond byrne
helm: 1745: þonne bið on hreþre under helm drepen
helm: 2153: heaðosteapne helm, hare byrnan,
helm: 2255: Sceal se hearda helm hyrsted golde
helm: 2381: hæfdon hy forhealden helm Scylfinga,
helm: 2462: wongas ond wicstede. Swa Wedra helm
helm: 2615: brunfagne helm, hringde byrnan,
helm: 2659: gesigan æt sæcce; urum sceal sweord ond helm,
helm: 2705: forwrat Wedra helm wyrm on middan.
helm: 2723: hilde sædne, ond his helm onspeon.
helm: 2762: hyrstum behrorene; þær wæs helm monig
helm: 2811: geongum garwigan, goldfahne helm,
helm: 2868: healsittendum helm ond byrnan,
helm: 2973: ac he him on heafde helm ær gescer,
helm: 2979: eald sweord eotonisc, entiscne helm
helm: 2987: heard swyrd hilted ond his helm somod,
helmas: 2638: helmas ond heard sweord. ðe he usic on herge geceas
helmberend: 2517: hwate helmberend, hindeman siðe,
helmberend: 2642: hwate helmberend, þeah ðe hlaford us
helme: 342: heard under helme: We synt Higelaces
helme: 404: heard under helme, þæt he on heoðe gestod.
helme: 1286: sweord swate fah swin ofer helme
helme: 2539: heard under helme, hiorosercean bær
helmes: 1030: Ymb þæs helmes hrof heafodbeorge
Helminga: 620: Ymbeode þa ides Helminga
helmum: 3139: helmum behongen, hildebordum,
helpan: 2340: þæt him holtwudu helpan ne meahte,
helpan: 2649: helpan hildfruman, þenden hyt sy,
helpan: 2684: helpan æt hilde; wæs sio hond to strong,
helpan: 2879: ofer min gemet mæges helpan;
helpe: 551: heard, hondlocen, helpe gefremede,
helpe: 1552: nemne him heaðobyrne helpe gefremede,
helpe: 1709: hæleðum to helpe. Ne wearð Heremod swa
helpe: 1830: hæleþa to helpe. Ic on Higelac wat,
helpe: 1961: hæleðum to helpe, Hemminges mæg,
helpe: 2448: hrefne to hroðre, ond he him helpe ne mæg,
helrunan: 163: hwyder helrunan hwyrftum scriþað.
Hemminges: 1944: Huru þæt onhohsnode Hemminges mæg;
Hemminges: 1961: hæleðum to helpe, Hemminges mæg,
Hengest: 1127: hamas ond heaburh. Hengest ða gyt
Hengeste: 1083: wig Hengeste wiht gefeohtan,
Hengeste: 1096: fæste frioðuwære. Fin Hengeste
Hengestes: 1091: Hengestes heap hringum wenede
heo: 627: þæt heo on ænigne eorl gelyfde
heo: 944: æfter gumcynnum, gyf heo gyt lyfað,
heo: 1078: ða heo under swegle geseon meahte
heo: 1079: morþorbealo maga, þær heo ær mæste heold
heo: 1215: Wealhðeo maþelode, heo fore þæm werede spræc:
Heo: 1292: Heo wæs on ofste, wolde ut þanon,
heo: 1293: feore beorgan, þa heo onfunden wæs.
heo: 1294: Hraðe heo æþelinga anne hæfde
heo: 1295: fæste befangen, þa heo to fenne gang.
heo: 1298: rice randwiga, þone ðe heo on ræste abreat,
heo: 1302: Hream wearð in Heorote; heo under heolfre genam
Heo: 1333: fylle gefægnod. Heo þa fæhðe wræc
heo: 1404: gang ofer grundas, þær heo gegnum for
heo: 1504: þæt heo þone fyrdhom ðurhfon ne mihte,
heo: 1506: Bær þa seo brimwylf, þa heo to botme com,
heo: 1540: feorhgeniðlan, þæt heo on flet gebeah.
Heo: 1541: Heo him eft hraþe andlean forgeald
heo: 1568: fægne flæschoman; heo on flet gecrong.
heoðe: 404: heard under helme, þæt he on heoðe gestod.
heofena: 182: ne hie huru heofena helm herian ne cuþon,
heofenes: 414: under heofenes hador beholen weorþeð.
heofenum: 52: hæleð under heofenum, hwa þæm hlæste onfeng.
heofenum: 505: gehedde under heofenum þonne he sylfa:
Heofon: 3155: hynðo ond hæftnyd. Heofon rece swealg.
heofones: 576: under heofones hwealf heardran feohtan,
heofones: 1801: oþþæt hrefn blaca heofones wynne
heofones: 2015: under heofones hwealf healsittendra
heofones: 2072: hondræs hæleða. Syððan heofones gim
heofungdagas: 3153: þæt hio hyre heofungdagas hearde ondrede,
heold: 57: heah Healfdene; heold þenden lifde,
heold: 103: mære mearcstapa, se þe moras heold,
heold: 142: healðegnes hete; heold hyne syðþan
heold: 161: seomade ond syrede, sinnihte heold
heold: 241: endesæta, ægwearde heold,
heold: 305: fah ond fyrheard; ferhwearde heold
heold: 466: ond on geogoðe heold ginne rice,
Heold: 788: helle hæfton. Heold hine fæste
heold: 1031: wirum bewunden walu utan heold,
heold: 1079: morþorbealo maga, þær heo ær mæste heold
heold: 1748: þinceð him to lytel þæt he lange heold,
heold: 1959: wide geweorðod, wisdome heold
heold: 2183: heold hildedeor. Hean wæs lange,
heold: 2279: heold on hrusan hordærna sum,
heold: 2377: hwæðre he him on folce freondlarum heold,
heold: 2414: gearo guðfreca, goldmaðmas heold,
heold: 2430: heold mec ond hæfde Hreðel cyning,
heold: 2732: lice gelenge. Ic ðas leode heold
heold: 2737: mælgesceafta, heold min tela,
heold: 2751: lif ond leodscipe, þone ic longe heold."
heold: 3043: lang on legere, lyftwynne heold
heold: 3084: heold on heahgesceap. Hord ys gesceawod,
heold: 3118: scoc ofer scildweall, sceft nytte heold,
heolde: 1099: arum heolde, þæt ðær ænig mon
heolde: 2344: þeah ðe hordwelan heolde lange.
heoldon: 401: heaðoreaf heoldon, swa him se hearda bebead.
heoldon: 1214: hreawic heoldon. Heal swege onfeng.
heolfre: 849: haton heolfre, heorodreore weol.
heolfre: 1302: Hream wearð in Heorote; heo under heolfre genam
heolfre: 1423: hatan heolfre. Horn stundum song
heolfre: 2138: holm heolfre weoll, ond ic heafde becearf
heolster: 755: Hyge wæs him hinfus, wolde on heolster fleon,
heonan: 252: frumcyn witan, ær ge fyr heonan ,
heonon: 1361: flod under foldan. Nis þæt feor heonon
heora: 691: Nænig heora þohte þæt he þanon scolde
heora: 698: frofor ond fultum, þæt hie feond heora
heora: 1604: wiston ond ne wendon þæt hie heora winedrihten
heora: 1636: earfoðlice heora æghwæþrum,
heorðgeneatas: 261: ond Higelaces heorðgeneatas.
heorðgeneatas: 1580: þonne he Hroðgares heorðgeneatas
heorðgeneatas: 2180: heorðgeneatas; næs him hreoh sefa,
heorðgeneatas: 3179: hlafordes hryre, heorðgeneatas,
heorðgeneatum: 2418: þenden hælo abead heorðgeneatum,
heorodreore: 849: haton heolfre, heorodreore weol.
heorodreorig: 935: husa selest heorodreorig stod,
heorodreorigne: 1780: þæt ic on þone hafelan heorodreorigne
heorodreorigne: 2720: Hyne þa mid handa heorodreorigne,
Heorogar: 61: Heorogar ond Hroðgar ond Halga til;
heorogifre: 1498: heorogifre beheold hund missera,
heorogrim: 1564: hreoh ond heorogrim hringmæl gebrægd,
heorohocyhtum: 1438: heorohocyhtum hearde genearwod,
heorosweng: 1590: heorosweng heardne, ond hine þa heafde becearf.
Heorot: 166: heardra hynða. Heorot eardode,
Heorot: 432: þes hearda heap, Heorot fælsian.
Heorot: 1017: Hroðgar ond Hroþulf. Heorot innan wæs
Heorot: 1176: hererinc habban. Heorot is gefælsod,
heorot: 1369: heorot hornum trum, holtwudu sece,
Heorote: 475: hynðo on Heorote mid his heteþancum,
Heorote: 497: hador on Heorote. þær wæs hæleða dream,
Heorote: 593: hynðo on Heorote, gif þin hige wære,
Heorote: 1267: heorowearh hetelic, se æt Heorote fand
Heorote: 1279: Com þa to Heorote, ðær Hringdene
Heorote: 1302: Hream wearð in Heorote; heo under heolfre genam
Heorote: 1330: Wearð him on Heorote to handbanan
Heorote: 1588: hild æt Heorote. Hra wide sprong,
Heorote: 1671: Ic hit þe þonne gehate, þæt þu on Heorote most
Heorotes: 403: under Heorotes hrof
Heorowearde: 2161: hwatum Heorowearde, þeah he him hold wære,
heorowearh: 1267: heorowearh hetelic, se æt Heorote fand
heorras: 999: heorras tohlidene. Hrof ana genæs,
Heort: 78: healærna mæst; scop him Heort naman
Heort: 991: ða wæs haten hreþe Heort innanweard
heortan: 2270: hran æt heortan. Hordwynne fond
heortan: 2463: æfter Herebealde heortan sorge
heortan: 2507: ac him hildegrap heortan wylmas,
heorte: 2561: ða wæs hringbogan heorte gefysed
heoru: 1285: þonne heoru bunden, hamere geþuren,
heoru: 1372: hafelan hydan. Nis þæt heoru stow!
heorudreore: 487: heall heorudreore; ahte ic holdra þy læs,
heorugrimme: 1847: hild heorugrimme, Hreþles eaferan,
Heorute: 766: þæt se hearmscaþa to Heorute ateah.
her: 244: No her cuðlicor cuman ongunnon
Her: 361: Her syndon geferede, feorran cumene
her: 376: heard her cumen, sohte holdne wine.
her: 397: lætað hildebord her onbidan,
her: 1061: leofes ond laþes se þe longe her
Her: 1228: Her is æghwylc eorl oþrum getrywe,
her: 1654: tires to tacne, þe þu her to locast.
her: 1820: Higelac secan. Wæron her tela
her: 2053: Nu her þara banena byre nathwylces
her: 2796: ecum dryhtne, þe ic her on starie,
her: 2801: leoda þearfe; ne mæg ic her leng wesan.
Herebeald: 2434: Herebeald ond Hæðcyn oððe Hygelac min.
Herebealde: 2463: æfter Herebealde heortan sorge
herebrogan: 462: for herebrogan habban ne mihte.
herebyrne: 1443: Scolde herebyrne hondum gebroden,
Heregar: 467: hordburh hæleþa; ða wæs Heregar dead,
heregriman: 396: under heregriman Hroðgar geseon;
heregriman: 2049: under heregriman hindeman siðe,
heregriman: 2605: under heregriman hat þrowian.
Heremod: 1709: hæleðum to helpe. Ne wearð Heremod swa
Heremodes: 901: siððan Heremodes hild sweðrode,
herenet: 1553: herenet hearde, ond halig god
herenið: 2474: herenið hearda, syððan Hreðel swealt,
herepad: 2258: ge swylce seo herepad, sio æt hilde gebad
Hererices: 2206: niða genægdan nefan Hererices,
hererinc: 1176: hererinc habban. Heorot is gefælsod,
heresceafta: 335: heresceafta heap? Ic eom Hroðgares
Herescyldinga: 1108: ahæfen of horde. Herescyldinga
heresped: 64: þa wæs Hroðgare heresped gyfen,
herestræl: 1435: herestræl hearda; he on holme wæs
heresyrcan: 1511: hildetuxum heresyrcan bræc,
herewædum: 1897: hladen herewædum, hringedstefna,
herewæsmun: 677: No ic me an herewæsmun hnagran talige,
herewisa: 3020: nu se herewisa hleahtor alegde,
herge: 1248: ge æt ham ge on herge, ge gehwæþer þara,
herge: 2347: sidan herge; no he him þa sæcce ondred,
herge: 2638: helmas ond heard sweord. ðe he usic on herge geceas
herge: 3175: þæt mon his winedryhten wordum herge,
hergum: 3072: hergum geheaðerod, hellbendum fæst,
herian: 182: ne hie huru heofena helm herian ne cuþon,
herian: 1071: Ne huru Hildeburh herian þorfte
herige: 1833: wordum ond worcum, þæt ic þe wel herige
Het: 198: æþele ond eacen. Het him yðlidan
het: 391: Eow het secgan sigedrihten min,
het: 674: ond gehealdan het hildegeatwe.
het: 1045: wicga ond wæpna, het hine wel brucan.
Het: 1114: Het ða Hildeburh æt Hnæfes ade
het: 1868: het hine mid þæm lacum leode swæse
Het: 1920: Het þa up beran æþelinga gestreon,
Het: 2152: Het ða in beran eaforheafodsegn,
het: 2156: snotra fengel, sume worde het
Het: 2190: Het ða eorla hleo in gefetian,
het: 2812: beah ond byrnan, het hyne brucan well:
het: 3095: gomol on gehðo ond eowic gretan het,
Het: 3110: Het ða gebeodan byre Wihstanes,
hete: 142: healðegnes hete; heold hyne syðþan
Hete: 2554: Hete wæs onhrered, hordweard oncniow
hetelic: 1267: heorowearh hetelic, se æt Heorote fand
hetende: 1828: swa þec hetende hwilum dydon,
heteniðas: 152: hwile wið Hroþgar, heteniðas wæg,
heteswengeas: 2224: hæleða bearna heteswengeas fleah,
heteþancum: 475: hynðo on Heorote mid his heteþancum,
hettendum: 3004: wið hettendum hord ond rice
Hetware: 2363: Nealles Hetware hremge þorfton
Hetware: 2916: þær hyne Hetware hilde genægdon,
Hi: 28: Hi hyne þa ætbæron to brimes faroðe,
hi: 43: Nalæs hi hine læssan lacum teodan,
hi: 1628: þæs þe hi hyne gesundne geseon moston.
Hi: 1966: sigel suðan fus. Hi sið drugon,
hi: 2707: ond hi hyne þa begen abroten hæfdon,
hi: 2934: oððæt hi oðeodon earfoðlice
hi: 3038: ær hi þær gesegan syllicran wiht,
hi: 3130: þæt hi ofostlice ut geferedon
Hi: 3163: Hi on beorg dydon beg ond siglu,
hider: 240: hider ofer holmas? le wæs
hider: 370: se þæm heaðorincum hider wisade.
hider: 394: heardhicgende hider wilcuman.
hider: 3092: hordgestreona, hider ut ætbær
hie: 15: þe hie ær drugon aldorlease
hie: 47: þa gyt hie him asetton segen geldenne
hie: 132: syðþan hie þæs laðan last sceawedon,
hie: 175: Hwilum hie geheton æt hærgtrafum
hie: 180: in modsefan, metod hie ne cuþon,
hie: 181: dæda demend, ne wiston hie drihten god,
hie: 182: ne hie huru heofena helm herian ne cuþon,
hie: 313: torht getæhte, þæt hie him to mihton
hie: 323: song in searwum, þa hie to sele furðum
hie: 365: þæt hie, þeoden min, wið þe moton
hie: 388: gesaga him eac wordum þæt hie sint wilcuman
hie: 418: forþan hie mægenes cræft minne cuþon,
hie: 477: wigheap gewanod; hie wyrd forsweop
hie: 482: þæt hie in beorsele bidan woldon
hie: 562: Næs hie ðære fylle gefean hæfdon,
hie: 563: manfordædlan, þæt hie me þegon,
hie: 648: siððan hie sunnan leoht geseon ne meahton,
hie: 694: ac hie hæfdon gefrunen þæt hie ær to fela micles
hie: 694: ac hie hæfdon gefrunen þæt hie ær to fela micles
hie: 698: frofor ond fultum, þæt hie feond heora
hie: 706: þæt hie ne moste, þa metod nolde,
hie: 797: mæres þeodnes, ðær hie meahton swa.
hie: 798: Hie þæt ne wiston, þa hie gewin drugon,
Hie: 798: Hie þæt ne wiston, þa hie gewin drugon,
hie: 831: inwidsorge, þe hie ær drugon
hie: 862: Ne hie huru winedrihten wiht ne logon,
hie: 881: eam his nefan, swa hie a wæron
hie: 937: ðara þe ne wendon þæt hie wideferhð
hie: 1068: be Finnes eaferum, ða hie se fær begeat,
hie: 1074: bearnum ond broðrum; hie on gebyrd hruron,
hie: 1086: þæt hie him oðer flet eal gerymdon,
hie: 1087: healle ond heahsetl, þæt hie healfre geweald
hie: 1095: ða hie getruwedon on twa healfa
hie: 1102: ðeah hie hira beaggyfan banan folgedon
hie: 1156: swylce hie æt Finnes ham findan meahton
Hie: 1157: sigla, searogimma. Hie on sælade
hie: 1238: unrim eorla, swa hie oft ær dydon.
hie: 1247: þæt hie oft wæron an wig gearwe,
hie: 1305: þæt hie on ba healfa bicgan scoldon
hie: 1347: þæt hie gesawon swylce twegen
hie: 1350: þæs þe hie gewislicost gewitan meahton,
hie: 1355: foldbuende. No hie fæder cunnon,
Hie: 1357: dyrnra gasta. Hie dygel lond
hie: 1430: wyrmas ond wildeor; hie on weg hruron,
hie: 1604: wiston ond ne wendon þæt hie heora winedrihten
hie: 1858: inwitniþas, þe hie ær drugon,
hie: 1875: þæt hie seoððan no geseon moston,
hie: 1911: þæt hie Geata clifu ongitan meahton,
hie: 2019: secge sealde, ær hie to setle geong.
hie: 2038: þenden hie ðam wæpnum wealdan moston,
hie: 2039: oððæt hie forlæddan to ðam lindplegan
hie: 2236: deore maðmas. Ealle hie deað fornam
hie: 2630: syððan hie togædre gegan hæfdon.
hie: 2943: syððan hie Hygelaces horn ond byman,
hie: 2984: þæt hie wælstowe wealdan moston.
hie: 2996: mon on middangearde), syððan hie ða mærða geslogon,
hie: 3002: syððan hie gefricgeað frean userne
hie: 3049: omige, þurhetone, swa hie wið eorðan fæðm
hie: 3112: boldagendra, þæt hie bælwudu
hiera: 1164: sæton suhtergefæderan; þa gyt wæs hiera sib ætgædere,
hig: 1085: þeodnes ðegna. ac hig him geþingo budon,
hig: 1596: þæt hig þæs æðelinges eft ne wendon
hig: 1770: weold under wolcnum ond hig wigge beleac
hige: 267: We þurh holdne hige hlaford þinne,
hige: 593: hynðo on Heorote, gif þin hige wære,
Higelac: 435: Ic þæt þonne forhicge swa me Higelac sie,
Higelac: 1202: þone hring hæfde Higelac Geata,
Higelac: 1820: Higelac secan. Wæron her tela
Higelac: 1830: hæleþa to helpe. Ic on Higelac wat,
Higelac: 1923: Higelac Hreþling, þær æt ham wunað
Higelac: 1983: hæleðum to handa. Higelac ongan
Higelac: 2000: "þæt is undyrne, dryhten Higelac,
Higelac: 2914: heard wið Hugas, syððan Higelac cwom
Higelace: 452: Onsend Higelace, gif mec hild nime,
Higelace: 1483: Hroðgar leofa, Higelace onsend.
Higelace: 1970: hringas dælan. Higelace wæs
Higelace: 2988: hares hyrste Higelace bær.
Higelaces: 194: þæt fram ham gefrægn Higelaces þegn,
Higelaces: 261: ond Higelaces heorðgeneatas.
Higelaces: 342: heard under helme: We synt Higelaces
Higelaces: 407: Wæs þu, Hroðgar, hal. Ic eom Higelaces
Higelaces: 737: mæg Higelaces, hu se manscaða
Higelaces: 758: Gemunde þa se goda, mæg Higelaces,
Higelaces: 914: mæg Higelaces, manna cynne,
Higelaces: 1574: heard be hiltum Higelaces ðegn,
Higelaces: 2952: hæfde Higelaces hilde gefrunen,
Higelaces: 2958: Sweona leodum, segn Higelaces
Higelaces: 2977: Let se hearda Higelaces þegn
higemæðum: 2909: healdeð higemæðum heafodwearde
higerofne: 204: hwetton higerofne, hæl sceawedon.
higes: 2045: þurh hreðra gehygd higes cunnian,
higeþihtigne: 746: nam þa mid handa higeþihtigne
higeþrymmum: 339: ac for higeþrymmum Hroðgar sohton.
Higum: 3148: hat on hreðre. Higum unrote
hild: 452: Onsend Higelace, gif mec hild nime,
hild: 901: siððan Heremodes hild sweðrode,
hild: 1481: hondgesellum, gif mec hild nime;
hild: 1588: hild æt Heorote. Hra wide sprong,
hild: 1847: hild heorugrimme, Hreþles eaferan,
hild: 2076: þær wæs Hondscio hild onsæge,
hilde: 647: to þæm heahsele hilde geþinged,
hilde: 1460: ahyrded heaþoswate; næfre hit æt hilde ne swac
hilde: 1659: Ne meahte ic æt hilde mid Hruntinge
hilde: 1990: hilde to Hiorote? Ac ðu Hroðgare
hilde: 2258: ge swylce seo herepad, sio æt hilde gebad
hilde: 2575: hreð æt hilde. Hond up abræd
hilde: 2684: helpan æt hilde; wæs sio hond to strong,
hilde: 2723: hilde sædne, ond his helm onspeon.
hilde: 2916: þær hyne Hetware hilde genægdon,
hilde: 2952: hæfde Higelaces hilde gefrunen,
hildebil: 1666: huses hyrdas. þa þæt hildebil
hildebille: 557: hildebille; heaþoræs fornam
hildebille: 1520: hildebille, hond sweng ne ofteah,
hildebille: 2679: hildebille, þæt hyt on heafolan stod
hildeblac: 2488: hreas hildeblac; hond gemunde
hildebord: 397: lætað hildebord her onbidan,
hildebordum: 3139: helmum behongen, hildebordum,
Hildeburh: 1071: Ne huru Hildeburh herian þorfte
Hildeburh: 1114: Het ða Hildeburh æt Hnæfes ade
hildecumbor: 1022: hroden hildecumbor, helm ond byrnan,
hildecystum: 2598: hildecystum, ac hy on holt bugon,
hildedeor: 312: Him þa hildedeor hof modigra
hildedeor: 834: syþðan hildedeor hond alegde,
hildedeor: 1646: hæle hildedeor, Hroðgar gretan.
hildedeor: 1816: hæle hildedeor Hroðgar grette.
hildedeor: 2107: hwilum hildedeor hearpan wynne,
hildedeor: 2183: heold hildedeor. Hean wæs lange,
hildedior: 3111: hæle hildedior, hæleða monegum,
hildediore: 3169: þa ymbe hlæw riodan hildediore,
hildefrecan: 2205: hearde hildefrecan, Heaðoscilfingas,
hildegeatwa: 2362: hildegeatwa, þa he to holme beag.
hildegeatwe: 674: ond gehealdan het hildegeatwe.
hildegicelum: 1606: æfter heaþoswate hildegicelum,
hildegrap: 1446: þæt him hildegrap hreþre ne mihte,
hildegrap: 2507: ac him hildegrap heortan wylmas,
hildehlæmmum: 2201: hildehlæmmum, syððan Hygelac læg
hildehlemma: 2351: hildehlemma, syððan he Hroðgares,
hildehlemma: 2544: hildehlemma, þonne hnitan feðan,
hildeleoman: 1143: þonne him Hunlafing hildeleoman,
hildeleoman: 2583: hildeleoman. Hreðsigora ne gealp
hildemeceas: 2202: ond Heardrede hildemeceas
hildemecgas: 799: heardhicgende hildemecgas,
hilderæs: 300: þæt þone hilderæs hal gedigeð.
hilderandas: 1242: Setton him to heafdon hilderandas,
hilderinc: 1307: har hilderinc, on hreon mode,
hilderinc: 3136: har hilderinc to Hronesnæsse.
hilderinca: 3124: hilderinca; sum on handa bær
hilderince: 1495: hilderince. ða wæs hwil dæges
hilderince: 1576: hilderince, ac he hraþe wolde
hilderinces: 986: hæþenes handsporu hilderinces,
hildesceorp: 2155: "Me ðis hildesceorp Hroðgar sealde,
hildesetl: 1039: þæt wæs hildesetl heahcyninges,
hildestrengo: 2113: hildestrengo; hreðer inne weoll,
hildeswat: 2558: hat hildeswat. Hruse dynede.
hildetuxum: 1511: hildetuxum heresyrcan bræc,
hildewæpnum: 39: hildewæpnum ond heaðowædum,
hildewisan: 1064: fore Healfdenes hildewisan,
hildfrecan: 2366: fram þam hildfrecan hames niosan.
hildfruman: 1678: harum hildfruman, on hand gyfen,
hildfruman: 2649: helpan hildfruman, þenden hyt sy,
hildfruman: 2835: for ðæs hildfruman hondgeweorce.
hildlatan: 2846: þæt ða hildlatan holt ofgefan,
hilt: 1614: buton þone hafelan ond þa hilt somod
hilt: 1668: hatost heaþoswata. Ic þæt hilt þanan
hilt: 1677: ða wæs gylden hilt gamelum rince,
hilted: 2987: heard swyrd hilted ond his helm somod,
hiltum: 1574: heard be hiltum Higelaces ðegn,
him: 9: oðþæt him æghwylc þara ymbsittendra
Him: 16: lange hwile. Him þæs liffrea,
Him: 26: Him ða Scyld gewat to gescæphwile
him: 40: billum ond byrnum; him on bearme læg
him: 41: madma mænigo, þa him mid scoldon
him: 47: þa gyt hie him asetton segen geldenne
him: 49: geafon on garsecg; him wæs geomor sefa,
him: 56: aldor of earde, oþþæt him eft onwoc
him: 65: wiges weorðmynd, þæt him his winemagas
Him: 67: magodriht micel. Him on mod bearn
him: 72: geongum ond ealdum, swylc him god sealde,
Him: 76: folcstede frætwan. Him on fyrste gelomp,
him: 78: healærna mæst; scop him Heort naman
him: 106: siþðan him scyppend forscrifen hæfde
him: 114: lange þrage; he him ðæs lean forgeald.
him: 138: þa wæs eaðfynde þe him elles hwær
him: 140: bed æfter burum, ða him gebeacnod wæs,
him: 177: þæt him gastbona geoce gefremede
him: 198: æþele ond eacen. Het him yðlidan
him: 201: mærne þeoden, þa him wæs manna þearf.
him: 202: ðone siðfæt him snotere ceorlas
him: 203: lythwon logon, þeah he him leof wære;
him: 228: þæs þe him yþlade eaðe wurdon.
him: 234: Gewat him þa to waroðe wicge ridan
him: 250: wæpnum geweorðad, næfne him his wlite leoge,
Him: 258: Him se yldesta ondswarode,
him: 280: gyf him edwendan æfre scolde
him: 301: Gewiton him þa feran. Flota stille bad,
Him: 312: Him þa hildedeor hof modigra
him: 313: torht getæhte, þæt hie him to mihton
Him: 340: Him þa ellenrof andswarode,
him: 366: wordum wrixlan. No ðu him wearne geteoh
him: 388: gesaga him eac wordum þæt hie sint wilcuman
him: 393: ond ge him syndon ofer sæwylmas
him: 401: heaðoreaf heoldon, swa him se hearda bebead.
him: 405: Beowulf maðelode on him byrne scan,
him: 501: onband beadurune wæs him Beowulfes sið,
him: 543: hraþor on holme; no ic fram him wolde.
him: 560: þreatedon þearle. Ic him þenode
him: 601: to Gardenum. Ac ic him Geata sceal
him: 653: Hroðgar Beowulf, ond him hæl abead,
him: 662: ða him Hroþgar gewat mid his hæleþa gedryht,
him: 671: ða he him of dyde isernbyrnan,
him: 687: mærðo deme, swa him gemet þince.
him: 696: Denigea leode. Ac him dryhten forgeaf
him: 726: eode yrremod; him of eagum stod
him: 733: lif wið lice, þa him alumpen wæs
him: 755: Hyge wæs him hinfus, wolde on heolster fleon,
him: 760: ond him fæste wiðfeng; fingras burston.
him: 812: þæt him se lichoma læstan nolde,
him: 816: atol æglæca; him on eaxle wearð
him: 852: hæþene sawle; þær him hel onfeng.
him: 866: ðær him foldwegas fægere þuhton,
him: 889: frecne dæde, ne wæs him Fitela mid.
him: 890: hwæþre him gesælde ðæt þæt swurd þurhwod
him: 909: se þe him bealwa to bote gelyfde,
him: 923: cystum gecyþed, ond his cwen mid him
him: 968: ganges getwæman, no ic him þæs georne ætfealh,
him: 979: hu him scir metod scrifan wille.
him: 988: þæt him heardra nan hrinan wolde
him: 1032: þæt him fela laf frecne ne meahton
him: 1056: nefne him witig god wyrd forstode
him: 1085: þeodnes ðegna. ac hig him geþingo budon,
him: 1086: þæt hie him oðer flet eal gerymdon,
him: 1103: ðeodenlease, þa him swa geþearfod wæs.
him: 1125: Gewiton him ða wigend wica neosian,
him: 1143: þonne him Hunlafing hildeleoman,
Him: 1192: Him wæs ful boren ond freondlaþu
him: 1236: ond him Hroþgar gewat to hofe sinum,
him: 1242: Setton him to heafdon hilderandas,
him: 1252: æfenræste, swa him ful oft gelamp,
him: 1269: þær him aglæca ætgræpe wearð;
him: 1271: gimfæste gife ðe him god sealde,
him: 1272: ond him to anwaldan are gelyfde,
him: 1314: hwæþer him alwalda æfre wille
him: 1319: frean Ingwina, frægn gif him wære
him: 1330: Wearð him on Heorote to handbanan
him: 1356: hwæþer him ænig wæs ær acenned
him: 1434: yðgewinnes, þæt him on aldre stod
him: 1446: þæt him hildegrap hreþre ne mihte,
him: 1456: þæt him on ðearfe lah ðyle Hroðgares;
him: 1514: þær him nænig wæter wihte ne sceþede,
him: 1515: ne him for hrofsele hrinan ne mehte
him: 1541: Heo him eft hraþe andlean forgeald
him: 1542: grimman grapum ond him togeanes feng;
Him: 1547: angan eaferan. Him on eaxle læg
him: 1552: nemne him heaðobyrne helpe gefremede,
him: 1584: laðlicu lac. He him þæs lean forgeald,
him: 1587: aldorleasne, swa him ær gescod
him: 1601: hwate Scyldingas; gewat him ham þonon
him: 1625: mægenbyrþenne þara þe he him mid hæfde.
him: 1626: Eodon him þa togeanes, gode þancodon,
him: 1674: duguðe ond iogoþe, þæt þu him ondrædan ne þearft,
him: 1692: ecean dryhtne; him þæs endelean
him: 1711: ne geweox he him to willan, ac to wælfealle
him: 1718: forð gefremede, hwæþere him on ferhþe greow
him: 1730: seleð him on eþle eorþan wynne
him: 1732: gedeð him swa gewealdene worolde dælas,
him: 1736: adl ne yldo, ne him inwitsorh
him: 1738: ecghete eoweð, ac him eal worold
him: 1740: oðþæt him on innan oferhygda dæl
him: 1746: biteran stræle (him bebeorgan ne con),
him: 1748: þinceð him to lytel þæt he lange heold,
him: 1751: forgyteð ond forgymeð, þæs þe him ær god sealde,
him: 1794: sona him seleþegn siðes wergum,
him: 1809: leoflic iren; sægde him þæs leanes þanc,
him: 1836: Gif him þonne Hreþric to hofum Geata
him: 1839: selran gesohte þæm þe him selfa deah."
him: 1840: Hroðgar maþelode him on ondsware:
him: 1866: ða git him eorla hleo inne gesealde,
him: 1872: ond be healse genam; hruron him tearas,
Him: 1873: blondenfeaxum. Him wæs bega wen,
him: 1876: modige on meþle. Wæs him se man to þon leof
him: 1878: ac him on hreþre hygebendum fæst
Him: 1880: beorn wið blode. Him Beowulf þanan,
him: 1893: gæstas grette, ac him togeanes rad,
him: 1903: yrfelafe. Gewat him on naca
him: 1921: frætwe ond fætgold; næs him feor þanon
him: 1936: ac him wælbende weotode tealde
him: 1963: Gewat him ða se hearda mid his hondscole
him: 2036: on him gladiað gomelra lafe,
him: 2043: garcwealm gumena (him bið grim sefa),
him: 2061: ealdres scyldig; him se oðer þonan
him: 2062: losað lifigende, con him land geare.
him: 2065: weallað wælniðas, ond him wiflufan
him: 2078: gyrded cempa; him Grendel wearð,
him: 2098: hwæþre him sio swiðre swaðe weardade
him: 2161: hwatum Heorowearde, þeah he him hold wære,
him: 2165: æppelfealuwe; he him est geteah
him: 2173: wrætlicne wundurmaððum, ðone þe him Wealhðeo geaf,
him: 2180: heorðgeneatas; næs him hreoh sefa,
him: 2182: ginfæstan gife, þe him god sealde,
him: 2195: ond him gesealde seofan þusendo,
Him: 2196: bold ond bregostol. Him wæs bam samod
him: 2222: sylfes willum, se ðe him sare gesceod,
him: 2277: warað wintrum frod, ne byð him wihte ðy sel.
him: 2295: þone þe him on sweofote sare geteode,
him: 2323: wiges ond wealles; him seo wen geleah.
him: 2332: þeostrum geþoncum, swa him geþywe ne wæs.
him: 2335: gledum forgrunden; him ðæs guðkyning,
him: 2337: Heht him þa gewyrcean wigendra hleo
him: 2340: þæt him holtwudu helpan ne meahte,
him: 2347: sidan herge; no he him þa sæcce ondred,
him: 2348: ne him þæs wyrmes wig for wiht dyde,
him: 2361: hæfde him on earme ana [XXX]
him: 2364: feðewiges, þe him foran ongean
him: 2369: þær him Hygd gebead hord ond rice,
him: 2377: hwæðre he him on folce freondlarum heold,
Him: 2384: mærne þeoden. Him þæt to mearce wearð;
him: 2387: ond him eft gewat Ongenðioes bearn
him: 2404: bealonið biorna; him to bearme cwom
Him: 2419: goldwine Geata. Him wæs geomor sefa,
him: 2432: Næs ic him to life laðra owihte,
him: 2448: hrefne to hroðre, ond he him helpe ne mæg,
him: 2461: an æfter anum; þuhte him eall to rum,
him: 2467: laðum dædum, þeah him leof ne wæs.
him: 2468: He ða mid þære sorhge, þe him swa sar belamp,
him: 2475: oððe him Ongenðeowes eaferan wæran
him: 2490: Ic him þa maðmas, þe he me sealde,
him: 2493: eard, eðelwyn. Næs him ænig þearf
him: 2497: Symle ic him on feðan beforan wolde,
him: 2507: ac him hildegrap heortan wylmas,
him: 2574: wealdan moste swa him wyrd ne gescraf
him: 2596: Nealles him on heape handgesteallan,
him: 2606: Gemunde ða ða are þe he him ær forgeaf,
him: 2616: eald sweord etonisc; þæt him Onela forgeaf,
him: 2623: geaf him ða mid Geatum guðgewæda,
him: 2628: Ne gemealt him se modsefa, ne his mæges laf
him: 2632: sægde gesiðum (him wæs sefa geomor):
him: 2636: þæt we him ða guðgetawa gyldan woldon
him: 2637: gif him þyslicu þearf gelumpe,
Him: 2682: gomol ond grægmæl. Him þæt gifeðe ne wæs
him: 2683: þæt him irenna ecge mihton
him: 2687: wæpen wundrum heard; næs him wihte ðe sel.
him: 2690: ræsde on ðone rofan, þa him rum ageald,
him: 2696: cræft ond cenðu, swa him gecynde wæs.
him: 2712: þe him se eorðdraca ær geworhte,
him: 2714: þæt him on breostum bealoniðe weoll
him: 2775: him on bearm hladon bunan ond discas
him: 2809: Dyde him of healse hring gyldenne
him: 2816: eorlas on elne; ic him æfter sceal."
him: 2819: hate heaðowylmas; him of hreðre gewat
him: 2854: wehte hyne wætre; him wiht ne speow.
him: 2874: gylpan þorfte; hwæðre him god uðe,
him: 2876: ana mid ecge, þa him wæs elnes þearf.
him: 2877: Ic him lifwraðe lytle meahte
Him: 2903: Him on efn ligeð ealdorgewinna
him: 2928: Sona him se froda fæder Ohtheres,
him: 2948: hu ða folc mid him fæhðe towehton.
him: 2949: Gewat him ða se goda mid his gædelingum,
him: 2966: þæt him for swenge swat ædrum sprong
him: 2973: ac he him on heafde helm ær gescer,
him: 2976: ac he hyne gewyrpte, þeah ðe him wund hrine.
him: 2983: ricone arærdon, ða him gerymed wearð
him: 2989: He ðam frætwum feng ond him fægre gehet
him: 2995: landes ond locenra beaga (ne ðorfte him ða lean oðwitan
him: 3026: earne secgan hu him æt æte speow,
him: 3034: hlimbed healdan þone þe him hringas geaf
Him: 3047: Him big stodan bunan ond orcas,
him: 3057: efne swa hwylcum manna swa him gemet ðuhte.
Him: 3137: Him ða gegiredan Geata leode
hindeman: 2049: under heregriman hindeman siðe,
hindeman: 2517: hwate helmberend, hindeman siðe,
hine: 22: þæt hine on ylde eft gewunigen
hine: 43: Nalæs hi hine læssan lacum teodan,
hine: 45: þe hine æt frumsceafte forð onsendon
hine: 109: ne gefeah he þære fæhðe, ac he hine feor forwræc,
hine: 232: fyrdsearu fuslicu; hine fyrwyt bræc
hine: 265: gamol of geardum; hine gearwe geman
hine: 347: þæt we hine swa godne gretan moton.
hine: 372: Ic hine cuðe cnihtwesende.
Hine: 381: heaþorof hæbbe. Hine halig god
hine: 399: Aras þa se rica, ymb hine rinc manig,
hine: 441: dryhtnes dome se þe hine deað nimeð.
hine: 461: mid Wilfingum; ða hine Wedera cyn
hine: 518: hæfde mare mægen. þa hine on morgentid
hine: 617: bæd hine bliðne æt þære beorþege,
hine: 678: guþgeweorca, þonne Grendel hine;
hine: 679: forþan ic hine sweorde swebban nelle,
hine: 688: Hylde hine þa heaþodeor, hleorbolster onfeng
hine: 689: eorles andwlitan, ond hine ymb monig
hine: 788: helle hæfton. Heold hine fæste
hine: 813: ac hine se modega mæg Hygelaces
hine: 879: fæhðe ond fyrena, buton Fitela mid hine,
Hine: 904: snude forsended. Hine sorhwylmas
hine: 915: freondum gefægra; hine fyren onwod.
hine: 961: þæt ðu hine selfne geseon moste,
hine: 963: Ic hine hrædlice heardan clammum
hine: 967: Ic hine ne mihte, þa metod nolde,
hine: 1045: wicga ond wæpna, het hine wel brucan.
hine: 1291: byrnan side, þa hine se broga angeat.
hine: 1441: gryrelicne gist. Gyrede hine Beowulf
hine: 1451: befongen freawrasnum, swa hine fyrndagum
hine: 1453: besette swinlicum, þæt hine syðþan no
hine: 1472: syðþan he hine to guðe gegyred hæfde.
hine: 1509: wæpna gewealdan, ac hine wundra þæs fela
hine: 1590: heorosweng heardne, ond hine þa heafde becearf.
hine: 1599: þæt hine seo brimwylf abroten hæfde.
hine: 1716: ðeah þe hine mihtig god mægenes wynnum,
hine: 1735: Wunað he on wiste; no hine wiht dweleð
hine: 1799: Reste hine þa rumheort; reced hliuade
hine: 1868: het hine mid þæm lacum leode swæse
hine: 1886: æghwæs orleahtre, oþþæt hine yldo benam
hine: 2124: Noðer hy hine ne moston, syððan mergen cwom,
hine: 2787: ellensiocne, þær he hine ær forlet.
hine: 2790: ealdres æt ende; he hine eft ongon
hine: 2828: ac hine irenna ecga fornamon,
hinfus: 755: Hyge wæs him hinfus, wolde on heolster fleon,
hio: 455: Welandes geweorc. Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel.
hio: 623: þæt hio Beowulfe, beaghroden cwen
hio: 1929: Hæreþes dohtor; næs hio hnah swa þeah,
hio: 1941: idese to efnanne, þeah ðe hio ænlicu sy,
hio: 1946: þæt hio leodbealewa læs gefremede,
hio: 1949: æðelum diore, syððan hio Offan flet
hio: 1951: siðe gesohte; ðær hio syððan well
hio: 2018: bædde byre geonge; oft hio beahwriðan
hio: 2023: nemnan hyrde, þær hio nægled sinc
hio: 2127: leofne mannan; hio þæt lic ætbær
hio: 3153: þæt hio hyre heofungdagas hearde ondrede,
hiofende: 3142: hæleð hiofende, hlaford leofne.
hiold: 1954: hiold heahlufan wið hæleþa brego,
hiora: 1166: æt fotum sæt frean Scyldinga; gehwylc hiora his ferhþe treowde,
Hiora: 2599: ealdre burgan. Hiora in anum weoll
hiora: 2994: sealde hiora gehwæðrum hund þusenda
hiorodryncum: 2358: Hreðles eafora hiorodryncum swealt,
Hiorogar: 2158: cwæð þæt hyt hæfde Hiorogar cyning,
hiorosercean: 2539: heard under helme, hiorosercean bær
Hiorote: 1990: hilde to Hiorote? Ac ðu Hroðgare
hioroweallende: 2781: hatne for horde, hioroweallende
Hiorte: 2099: hand on Hiorte, ond he hean ðonan
hira: 1102: ðeah hie hira beaggyfan banan folgedon
hira: 1124: bega folces; wæs hira blæd scacen.
hira: 1249: efne swylce mæla swylce hira mandryhtne
hire: 626: wisfæst wordum þæs ðe hire se willa gelamp
hire: 641: freolicu folccwen to hire frean sittan.
hire: 722: fyrbendum fæst, syþðan he hire folmum æthran;
hire: 1115: hire selfre sunu sweoloðe befæstan,
hire: 1521: þæt hire on hafelan hringmæl agol
hire: 1546: brad ond brunecg, wolde hire bearn wrecan,
hire: 1566: þæt hire wið halse heard grapode,
hire: 1935: þæt hire an dæges eagum starede,
his: 65: wiges weorðmynd, þæt him his winemagas
his: 79: se þe his wordes geweald wide hæfde.
his: 169: maþðum for metode, ne his myne wisse.
his: 250: wæpnum geweorðad, næfne him his wlite leoge,
his: 349: wæs his modsefa manegum gecyðed,
his: 357: eald ond anhar mid his eorla gedriht;
his: 360: Wulfgar maðelode to his winedrihtne:
his: 373: Wæs his ealdfæder Ecgþeo haten,
his: 375: angan dohtor; is his eafora nu
his: 380: manna mægencræft on his mundgripe
his: 385: for his modþræce madmas beodan.
his: 434: for his wonhydum wæpna ne recceð.
his: 475: hynðo on Heorote mid his heteþancum,
his: 521: leof his leodum, lond Brondinga,
his: 532: sægdest from his siðe. Soð ic talige,
his: 573: unfægne eorl, þonne his ellen deah.
his: 662: ða him Hroþgar gewat mid his hæleþa gedryht,
his: 672: helm of hafelan, sealde his hyrsted sweord,
his: 730: magorinca heap. þa his mod ahlog;
his: 756: secan deofla gedræg; ne wæs his drohtoð þær
his: 764: fleon on fenhopu; wiste his fingra geweald
his: 793: ne his lifdagas leoda ænigum
his: 805: ecga gehwylcre. Scolde his aldorgedal
his: 822: þæt his aldres wæs ende gegongen,
his: 841: laþes lastas. No his lifgedal
his: 881: eam his nefan, swa hie a wæron
his: 905: lemede to lange; he his leodum wearð,
his: 923: cystum gecyþed, ond his cwen mid him
his: 966: licgean lifbysig, butan his lic swice.
his: 970: feond on feþe. Hwæþere he his folme forlet
his: 1007: þær his lichoma legerbedde fæst
his: 1147: sweordbealo sliðen æt his selfes ham,
his: 1166: æt fotum sæt frean Scyldinga; gehwylc hiora his ferhþe treowde,
his: 1167: þæt he hæfde mod micel, þeah þe he his magum nære
his: 1276: mancynnes feond, ond his modor þa gyt,
his: 1317: mid his handscale healwudu dynede,
his: 1385: þæt he his freond wrece, þonne he fela murne.
his: 1528: deorum madme, þæt his dom alæg.
his: 1536: longsumne lof, na ymb his lif cearað.
his: 1683: morðres scyldig, ond his modor eac,
his: 1733: side rice, þæt he his selfa ne mæg
his: 1734: for his unsnyttrum ende geþencean.
his: 1808: sunu Ecglafes, heht his sweord niman,
his: 1963: Gewat him ða se hearda mid his hondscole
his: 2013: wið his sylfes sunu setl getæhte.
his: 2157: þæt ic his ærest ðe est gesægde;
his: 2325: snude to soðe, þæt his sylfes ham,
his: 2433: beorn in burgum, þonne his bearna hwylc,
his: 2438: his freawine, flane geswencte,
his: 2439: miste mercelses ond his mæg ofscet,
his: 2445: to gebidanne, þæt his byre ride
his: 2447: sarigne sang, þonne his sunu hangað
his: 2455: Gesyhð sorhcearig on his suna bure
his: 2481: þeah ðe oðer his ealdre gebohte,
his: 2572: mærum þeodne þonne his myne sohte,
his: 2579: þonne his ðiodcyning þearfe hæfde,
his: 2604: mæg ælfheres; geseah his mondryhten
his: 2608: folcrihta gehwylc, swa his fæder ahte.
his: 2614: meces ecgum, ond his magum ætbær
his: 2617: his gædelinges guðgewædu,
his: 2619: þeah ðe he his broðor bearn abredwade.
his: 2621: bill ond byrnan, oððæt his byre mihte
his: 2622: eorlscipe efnan swa his ærfæder;
his: 2627: mid his freodryhtne fremman sceolde.
his: 2628: Ne gemealt him se modsefa, ne his mæges laf
his: 2675: ac se maga geonga under his mæges scyld
his: 2676: elne geeode, þa his agen wæs
his: 2698: modiges mannes, þær he his mæges healp,
his: 2703: geweold his gewitte, wællseaxe gebræd
his: 2722: winedryhten his wætere gelafede,
his: 2723: hilde sædne, ond his helm onspeon.
his: 2861: eðbegete þam ðe ær his elne forleas.
his: 2869: þeoden his þegnum, swylce he þrydlicost
his: 2949: Gewat him ða se goda mid his gædelingum,
his: 2978: bradne mece, þa his broðor læg,
his: 2982: ða wæron monige þe his mæg wriðon,
his: 2987: heard swyrd hilted ond his helm somod,
his: 3065: mon mid his magum meduseld buan.
his: 3068: þurh hwæt his worulde gedal weorðan sceolde.
his: 3173: eahtodan eorlscipe ond his ellenweorc
his: 3175: þæt mon his winedryhten wordum herge,
hit: 77: ædre mid yldum, þæt hit wearð ealgearo,
hit: 83: laðan liges; ne wæs hit lenge þa gen
hit: 116: hean huses, hu hit Hringdene
hit: 134: lað ond longsum. Næs hit lengra fyrst,
hit: 272: wesan, þæs ic wene. þu wast gif hit is
hit: 561: deoran sweorde, swa hit gedefe wæs.
hit: 779: þæt hit a mid gemete manna ænig,
hit: 891: wrætlicne wyrm, þæt hit on wealle ætstod,
hit: 1106: þonne hit sweordes ecg seðan scolde.
hit: 1234: geosceaft grimme, swa hit agangen wearð
hit: 1239: Bencþelu beredon; hit geondbræded wearð
hit: 1392: Ic hit þe gehate, no he on helm losaþ,
hit: 1460: ahyrded heaþoswate; næfre hit æt hilde ne swac
hit: 1461: manna ængum þara þe hit mid mundum bewand,
hit: 1464: þæt hit ellenweorc æfnan scolde.
hit: 1532: yrre oretta, þæt hit on eorðan læg,
hit: 1555: rodera rædend, hit on ryht gesced
hit: 1560: buton hit wæs mare ðonne ænig mon oðer
hit: 1608: þæt hit eal gemealt ise gelicost,
hit: 1670: deaðcwealm Denigea, swa hit gedefe wæs.
hit: 1671: Ic hit þe þonne gehate, þæt þu on Heorote most
hit: 1679: enta ærgeweorc; hit on æht gehwearf
hit: 1705: ðin ofer þeoda gehwylce. Eal þu hit geþyldum healdest,
Hit: 1753: Hit on endestæf eft gelimpeð
hit: 1939: þæt hit sceadenmæl scyran moste,
hit: 2806: þæt hit sæliðend syððan hatan
hit: 3069: Swa hit oð domes dæg diope benemdon
hit: 3167: gold on greote, þær hit nu gen lifað
hit: 3168: eldum swa unnyt swa hit æror wæs.
hit: 3174: duguðum demdon, swa hit gedefe bið
hladan: 2126: bronde forbærnan, ne on bęl hladan
hladen: 1897: hladen herewædum, hringedstefna,
hladen: 3134: þa wæs wunden gold on wæn hladen,
hladon: 2775: him on bearm hladon bunan ond discas
hlæste: 52: hæleð under heofenum, hwa þæm hlæste onfeng.
hlæw: 2296: hat ond hreohmod hlæw oft ymbehwearf
hlæw: 2411: hlæw under hrusan holmwylme neh,
hlæw: 2802: Hatað heaðomære hlæw gewyrcean
hlæw: 3169: þa ymbe hlæw riodan hildediore,
hlæwe: 2773: ða ic on hlæwe gefrægn hord reafian,
hlaford: 267: We þurh holdne hige hlaford þinne,
hlaford: 2283: hlaford sinne. ða wæs hord rasod,
hlaford: 2375: þæt he Heardrede hlaford wære
hlaford: 2642: hwate helmberend, þeah ðe hlaford us
hlaford: 3142: hæleð hiofende, hlaford leofne.
hlaforde: 2634: þonne we geheton ussum hlaforde
hlafordes: 3179: hlafordes hryre, heorðgeneatas,
hlafordlease: 2935: in Hrefnesholt hlafordlease.
hlawe: 1120: hlynode for hlawe; hafelan multon,
hleahtor: 611: ðær wæs hæleþa hleahtor, hlyn swynsode,
hleahtor: 3020: nu se herewisa hleahtor alegde,
hleapan: 864: Hwilum heaþorofe hleapan leton,
hleat: 2385: he þær for feorme feorhwunde hleat
hleo: 429: þæt ðu me ne forwyrne, wigendra hleo,
hleo: 791: Nolde eorla hleo ænige þinga
hleo: 899: ofer werþeode, wigendra hleo,
hleo: 1035: Heht ða eorla hleo eahta mearas
hleo: 1866: ða git him eorla hleo inne gesealde,
hleo: 1967: elne geeodon, to ðæs ðe eorla hleo,
hleo: 1972: þæt ðær on worðig wigendra hleo,
hleo: 2142: ac me eorla hleo eft gesealde
hleo: 2190: Het ða eorla hleo in gefetian,
hleo: 2337: Heht him þa gewyrcean wigendra hleo
hleo: 3157: hleo on hoe, se wæs heah ond brad,
hleoburh: 912: hord ond hleoburh, hæleþa rice,
hleoburh: 1731: to healdanne, hleoburh wera,
hleoðorcwyde: 1979: þurh hleoðorcwyde holdne gegrette,
hleonian: 1415: ofer harne stan hleonian funde,
hleorberan: 304: ofer hleorberan gehroden golde,
hleorbolster: 688: Hylde hine þa heaþodeor, hleorbolster onfeng
hliðes: 1892: no he mid hearme of hliðes nosan
hlifade: 81: sinc æt symle. Sele hlifade,
hlifade: 1898: mearum ond maðmum; mæst hlifade
hlifian: 2805: heah hlifian on Hronesnæsse,
hlimbed: 3034: hlimbed healdan þone þe him hringas geaf
hliuade: 1799: Reste hine þa rumheort; reced hliuade
hludne: 89: hludne in healle; þær wæs hearpan sweg,
hlyn: 611: ðær wæs hæleþa hleahtor, hlyn swynsode,
hlynnan: 2553: heaðotorht hlynnan under harne stan.
hlynode: 1120: hlynode for hlawe; hafelan multon,
hlynsode: 770: reþe renweardas. Reced hlynsode.
hlytme: 3126: Næs ða on hlytme hwa þæt hord strude,
Hnæf: 1069: hæleð Healfdena, Hnæf Scyldinga,
Hnæfes: 1114: Het ða Hildeburh æt Hnæfes ade
hnagran: 677: No ic me an herewæsmun hnagran talige,
hnah: 1929: Hæreþes dohtor; næs hio hnah swa þeah,
hnahran: 952: hordweorþunge hnahran rince,
hnitan: 2544: hildehlemma, þonne hnitan feðan,
hniton: 1327: hafelan weredon, þonne hniton feþan,
Hoces: 1076: Nalles holinga Hoces dohtor
hoðman: 2458: hæleð in hoðman; nis þær hearpan sweg,
hoe: 3157: hleo on hoe, se wæs heah ond brad,
hof: 312: Him þa hildedeor hof modigra
hofe: 1236: ond him Hroþgar gewat to hofe sinum,
hofe: 1507: hringa þengel to hofe sinum,
hofe: 1974: heaðolaces hal to hofe gongan.
hofe: 2212: se ðe on heaum hofe hord beweotode,
hofu: 2313: beorht hofu bærnan; bryneleoma stod
hofum: 1836: Gif him þonne Hreþric to hofum Geata
hogode: 632: Ic þæt hogode, þa ic on holm gestah,
hold: 290: Ic þæt gehyre, þæt þis is hold weorod
hold: 1229: modes milde, mandrihtne hold;
hold: 2161: hwatum Heorowearde, þeah he him hold wære,
hold: 2170: niða heardum, nefa swyðe hold,
holdne: 267: We þurh holdne hige hlaford þinne,
holdne: 376: heard her cumen, sohte holdne wine.
holdne: 1979: þurh hleoðorcwyde holdne gegrette,
holdra: 487: heall heorudreore; ahte ic holdra þy læs,
holinga: 1076: Nalles holinga Hoces dohtor
holm: 48: heah ofer heafod, leton holm beran,
holm: 519: on Heaþoræmas holm up ætbær;
holm: 632: Ic þæt hogode, þa ic on holm gestah,
holm: 1131: hringedstefnan; holm storme weol,
holm: 1592: þa ðe mid Hroðgare on holm wliton,
holm: 2138: holm heolfre weoll, ond ic heafde becearf
holma: 2132: healsode hreohmod, þæt ic on holma geþring
holmas: 240: hider ofer holmas? le wæs
holmclife: 1421: on þam holmclife hafelan metton.
holmclife: 1635: from þæm holmclife hafelan bæron
holmclifu: 230: se þe holmclifu healdan scolde,
holme: 543: hraþor on holme; no ic fram him wolde.
holme: 1435: herestræl hearda; he on holme wæs
holme: 1914: Hraþe wæs æt holme hyðweard geara,
holme: 2362: hildegeatwa, þa he to holme beag.
holmwylme: 2411: hlæw under hrusan holmwylme neh,
holt: 2598: hildecystum, ac hy on holt bugon,
holt: 2846: þæt ða hildlatan holt ofgefan,
holtwudu: 1369: heorot hornum trum, holtwudu sece,
holtwudu: 2340: þæt him holtwudu helpan ne meahte,
homera: 2829: hearde, heaðoscearde homera lafe,
hond: 656: siþðan ic hond ond rond hebban mihte,
hond: 686: on swa hwæþere hond, halig dryhten,
hond: 834: syþðan hildedeor hond alegde,
hond: 927: golde fahne, ond Grendles hond:
hond: 1520: hildebille, hond sweng ne ofteah,
hond: 2216: hæðnum horde, hond [...],
hond: 2405: maðþumfæt mære þurh ðæs meldan hond.
hond: 2488: hreas hildeblac; hond gemunde
hond: 2509: hond ond heard sweord, ymb hord wigan."
Hond: 2575: hreð æt hilde. Hond up abræd
hond: 2609: Ne mihte ða forhabban; hond rond gefeng,
hond: 2684: helpan æt hilde; wæs sio hond to strong,
honda: 814: hæfde be honda; wæs gehwæþer oðrum
hondgemota: 1526: hondgemota, helm oft gescær,
hondgemota: 2355: hondgemota, þær mon Hygelac sloh,
hondgesellum: 1481: hondgesellum, gif mec hild nime;
hondgesteallan: 2169: hondgesteallan. Hygelace wæs,
hondgeweorce: 2835: for ðæs hildfruman hondgeweorce.
hondlocen: 322: heard hondlocen, hringiren scir
hondlocen: 551: heard, hondlocen, helpe gefremede,
hondræs: 2072: hondræs hæleða. Syððan heofones gim
Hondscio: 2076: þær wæs Hondscio hild onsæge,
hondscole: 1963: Gewat him ða se hearda mid his hondscole
hondum: 1443: Scolde herebyrne hondum gebroden,
hondum: 2840: oððe hringsele hondum styrede,
hondwundra: 2768: heah ofer horde, hondwundra mæst,
hongiað: 1363: ofer þæm hongiað hrinde bearwas,
hord: 912: hord ond hleoburh, hæleþa rice,
hord: 2212: se ðe on heaum hofe hord beweotode,
hord: 2276: hord on hrusan, þær he hæðen gold
hord: 2283: hlaford sinne. ða wæs hord rasod,
hord: 2284: onboren beaga hord, bene getiðad
hord: 2319: hatode ond hynde; hord eft gesceat,
hord: 2369: þær him Hygd gebead hord ond rice,
hord: 2422: secean sawle hord, sundur gedælan
hord: 2509: hond ond heard sweord, ymb hord wigan."
hord: 2744: hord sceawian under harne stan,
hord: 2773: ða ic on hlæwe gefrægn hord reafian,
hord: 2799: Nu ic on maðma hord mine bebohte
hord: 2955: heaðoliðendum hord forstandan,
hord: 3004: wið hettendum hord ond rice
hord: 3011: meltan mid þam modigan, ac þær is maðma hord,
hord: 3056: (he is manna gehyld) hord openian,
Hord: 3084: heold on heahgesceap. Hord ys gesceawod,
hord: 3126: Næs ða on hlytme hwa þæt hord strude,
hordærna: 2279: heold on hrusan hordærna sum,
hordærne: 2831: hreas on hrusan hordærne neah.
hordburh: 467: hordburh hæleþa; ða wæs Heregar dead,
horde: 1108: ahæfen of horde. Herescyldinga
horde: 2216: hæðnum horde, hond [...],
horde: 2547: heaðofyrum hat; ne meahte horde neah
horde: 2768: heah ofer horde, hondwundra mæst,
horde: 2781: hatne for horde, hioroweallende
horde: 3164: eall swylce hyrsta, swylce on horde ær
hordes: 887: hordes hyrde. He under harne stan,
hordgestreona: 3092: hordgestreona, hider ut ætbær
hordgestreonum: 1899: ofer Hroðgares hordgestreonum.
hordmaððum: 1198: hordmaððum hæleþa, syþðan Hama ætwæg
hordweard: 1047: hordweard hæleþa, heaþoræsas geald
hordweard: 1852: hordweard hæleþa, gyf þu healdan wylt
Hordweard: 2293: hyldo gehealdeþ! Hordweard sohte
Hordweard: 2302: heahgestreona. Hordweard onbad
hordweard: 2554: Hete wæs onhrered, hordweard oncniow
hordweard: 2593: Hyrte hyne hordweard (hreðer æðme weoll)
hordwelan: 2344: þeah ðe hordwelan heolde lange.
hordweorþunge: 952: hordweorþunge hnahran rince,
Hordwynne: 2270: hran æt heortan. Hordwynne fond
hordwyrðne: 2245: hringa hyrde hordwyrðne dæl,
Horn: 1423: hatan heolfre. Horn stundum song
horn: 2943: syððan hie Hygelaces horn ond byman,
hornbogan: 2437: syððan hyne Hæðcyn of hornbogan,
horngeap: 82: heah ond horngeap, heaðowylma bad,
hornreced: 704: þa þæt hornreced healdan scoldon,
hornum: 1369: heorot hornum trum, holtwudu sece,
hors: 1399: þa wæs Hroðgare hors gebæted,
hose: 924: medostigge mæt mægþa hose.
Hra: 1588: hild æt Heorote. Hra wide sprong,
hraðe: 224: eoletes æt ende. þanon up hraðe
hraðe: 740: ac he gefeng hraðe forman siðe
Hraðe: 1294: Hraðe heo æþelinga anne hæfde
Hraðe: 1975: Hraðe wæs gerymed, swa se rica bebead,
hraðe: 2117: oðer to yldum. þa wæs eft hraðe
hraðe: 2968: gomela Scilfing, ac forgeald hraðe
Hrædlan: 454: hrægla selest; þæt is Hrædlan laf,
Hrædles: 1485: geseon sunu Hrædles, þonne he on þæt sinc starað,
hrædlice: 356: Hwearf þa hrædlice þær Hroðgar sæt
hrædlice: 963: Ic hine hrædlice heardan clammum
hrægl: 1195: hrægl ond hringas, healsbeaga mæst
hrægla: 454: hrægla selest; þæt is Hrædlan laf,
hrægles: 1217: hyse, mid hæle, ond þisses hrægles neot,
Hræþe: 1437: Hræþe wearð on yðum mid eoferspreotum
hrafyl: 277: hynðu ond hrafyl. Ic þæs Hroðgar mæg
hran: 2270: hran æt heortan. Hordwynne fond
hraþe: 748: feond mid folme; he onfeng hraþe
Hraþe: 1310: Hraþe wæs to bure Beowulf fetod,
hraþe: 1541: Heo him eft hraþe andlean forgeald
hraþe: 1576: hilderince, ac he hraþe wolde
Hraþe: 1914: Hraþe wæs æt holme hyðweard geara,
hraþe: 1937: handgewriþene; hraþe seoþðan wæs
hraþor: 543: hraþor on holme; no ic fram him wolde.
Hream: 1302: Hream wearð in Heorote; heo under heolfre genam
hreas: 2488: hreas hildeblac; hond gemunde
hreas: 2831: hreas on hrusan hordærne neah.
hreawic: 1214: hreawic heoldon. Heal swege onfeng.
hreð: 2575: hreð æt hilde. Hond up abræd
Hreðel: 2430: heold mec ond hæfde Hreðel cyning,
Hreðel: 2474: herenið hearda, syððan Hreðel swealt,
hreðer: 2113: hildestrengo; hreðer inne weoll,
hreðer: 2593: Hyrte hyne hordweard (hreðer æðme weoll)
Hreðles: 2191: heaðorof cyning, Hreðles lafe
Hreðles: 2358: Hreðles eafora hiorodryncum swealt,
Hreðles: 2992: Hreðles eafora, þa he to ham becom,
Hreðlingas: 2960: syððan Hreðlingas to hagan þrungon.
Hreðmanna: 445: mægen Hreðmanna. Na þu minne þearft
hreðra: 2045: þurh hreðra gehygd higes cunnian,
hreðre: 2328: hreow on hreðre, hygesorga mæst;
hreðre: 2442: hreðre hygemeðe; sceolde hwæðre swa þeah
hreðre: 2819: hate heaðowylmas; him of hreðre gewat
hreðre: 3148: hat on hreðre. Higum unrote
Hreðric: 1189: Hreðric ond Hroðmund, ond hæleþa bearn,
Hreðsigora: 2583: hildeleoman. Hreðsigora ne gealp
hrefn: 1801: oþþæt hrefn blaca heofones wynne
hrefn: 3024: wigend weccean, ac se wonna hrefn
Hrefnawudu: 2925: Hæðcen Hreþling wið Hrefnawudu,
hrefne: 2448: hrefne to hroðre, ond he him helpe ne mæg,
Hrefnesholt: 2935: in Hrefnesholt hlafordlease.
hremge: 2363: Nealles Hetware hremge þorfton
hremig: 124: huðe hremig to ham faran,
hremig: 1882: since hremig; sægenga bad
hremig: 2054: frætwum hremig on flet gæð,
hreo: 548: heaðogrim ondhwearf; hreo wæron yþa.
hreoh: 1564: hreoh ond heorogrim hringmæl gebrægd,
hreoh: 2180: heorðgeneatas; næs him hreoh sefa,
hreohmod: 2132: healsode hreohmod, þæt ic on holma geþring
hreohmod: 2296: hat ond hreohmod hlæw oft ymbehwearf
hreon: 1307: har hilderinc, on hreon mode,
Hreosnabeorh: 2477: ofer heafo healdan, ac ymb Hreosnabeorh
hreoum: 2581: æfter heaðuswenge on hreoum mode,
hreow: 2328: hreow on hreðre, hygesorga mæst;
hreowa: 2129: þæt wæs Hroðgare hreowa tornost
hreþe: 991: ða wæs haten hreþe Heort innanweard
Hreþel: 374: ðæm to ham forgeaf Hreþel Geata
hreþerbealo: 1343: hreþerbealo hearde; nu seo hand ligeð,
Hreþles: 1847: hild heorugrimme, Hreþles eaferan,
Hreþling: 1923: Higelac Hreþling, þær æt ham wunað
Hreþling: 2925: Hæðcen Hreþling wið Hrefnawudu,
hreþre: 1151: forhabban in hreþre. ða wæs heal roden
hreþre: 1446: þæt him hildegrap hreþre ne mihte,
hreþre: 1745: þonne bið on hreþre under helm drepen
hreþre: 1878: ac him on hreþre hygebendum fæst
Hreþric: 1836: Gif him þonne Hreþric to hofum Geata
hrinan: 988: þæt him heardra nan hrinan wolde
hrinan: 1515: ne him for hrofsele hrinan ne mehte
hrinan: 3053: þæt ðam hringsele hrinan ne moste
hrinde: 1363: ofer þæm hongiað hrinde bearwas,
hrine: 2976: ac he hyne gewyrpte, þeah ðe him wund hrine.
hring: 1202: þone hring hæfde Higelac Geata,
hring: 1503: halan lice; hring utan ymbbearh,
hring: 2260: brosnað æfter beorne. Ne mæg byrnan hring
hring: 2809: Dyde him of healse hring gyldenne
hringa: 1507: hringa þengel to hofe sinum,
hringa: 2245: hringa hyrde hordwyrðne dæl,
hringa: 2345: Oferhogode ða hringa fengel
hringas: 1195: hrægl ond hringas, healsbeaga mæst
hringas: 1970: hringas dælan. Higelace wæs
hringas: 3034: hlimbed healdan þone þe him hringas geaf
hringbogan: 2561: ða wæs hringbogan heorte gefysed
hringde: 2615: brunfagne helm, hringde byrnan,
Hringdena: 1769: Swa ic Hringdena hund missera
Hringdene: 116: hean huses, hu hit Hringdene
Hringdene: 1279: Com þa to Heorote, ðær Hringdene
hringdon: 327: bugon þa to bence. Byrnan hringdon,
hringed: 1245: heaþosteapa helm, hringed byrne,
hringedstefna: 32: þær æt hyðe stod hringedstefna,
hringedstefna: 1897: hladen herewædum, hringedstefna,
hringedstefnan: 1131: hringedstefnan; holm storme weol,
hringiren: 322: heard hondlocen, hringiren scir
hringmæl: 1521: þæt hire on hafelan hringmæl agol
hringmæl: 1564: hreoh ond heorogrim hringmæl gebrægd,
hringmæl: 2037: heard ond hringmæl Heaðabeardna gestreon
hringnaca: 1862: sceal hringnaca ofer heafu bringan
hringnet: 1889: hægstealdra heap, hringnet bæron,
hringnet: 2754: hyran heaðosiocum, hringnet beran,
hringsele: 2010: to ðam hringsele Hroðgar gretan;
hringsele: 2840: oððe hringsele hondum styrede,
hringsele: 3053: þæt ðam hringsele hrinan ne moste
hringum: 1091: Hengestes heap hringum wenede
hringweorðunge: 3017: habban on healse hringweorðunge,
hroden: 495: se þe on handa bær hroden ealowæge,
hroden: 1022: hroden hildecumbor, helm ond byrnan,
Hroðgar: 61: Heorogar ond Hroðgar ond Halga til;
Hroðgar: 277: hynðu ond hrafyl. Ic þæs Hroðgar mæg
Hroðgar: 339: ac for higeþrymmum Hroðgar sohton.
Hroðgar: 356: Hwearf þa hrædlice þær Hroðgar sæt
Hroðgar: 367: ðinra gegncwida, glædman Hroðgar.
Hroðgar: 371: Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga:
Hroðgar: 396: under heregriman Hroðgar geseon;
Hroðgar: 407: Wæs þu, Hroðgar, hal. Ic eom Higelaces
Hroðgar: 417: þeoden Hroðgar, þæt ic þe sohte,
Hroðgar: 456: Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga:
Hroðgar: 653: Hroðgar Beowulf, ond him hæl abead,
Hroðgar: 863: glædne Hroðgar, ac þæt wæs god cyning.
Hroðgar: 925: Hroðgar maþelode he to healle geong,
Hroðgar: 1017: Hroðgar ond Hroþulf. Heorot innan wæs
Hroðgar: 1321: Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga:
Hroðgar: 1483: Hroðgar leofa, Higelace onsend.
Hroðgar: 1646: hæle hildedeor, Hroðgar gretan.
Hroðgar: 1687: Hroðgar maðelode, hylt sceawode,
Hroðgar: 1816: hæle hildedeor Hroðgar grette.
Hroðgar: 1840: Hroðgar maþelode him on ondsware:
Hroðgar: 2010: to ðam hringsele Hroðgar gretan;
Hroðgar: 2155: "Me ðis hildesceorp Hroðgar sealde,
Hroðgare: 64: þa wæs Hroðgare heresped gyfen,
Hroðgare: 1399: þa wæs Hroðgare hors gebæted,
Hroðgare: 1407: þara þe mid Hroðgare ham eahtode.
Hroðgare: 1592: þa ðe mid Hroðgare on holm wliton,
Hroðgare: 1990: hilde to Hiorote? Ac ðu Hroðgare
Hroðgare: 2129: þæt wæs Hroðgare hreowa tornost
Hroðgares: 235: þegn Hroðgares, þrymmum cwehte
Hroðgares: 335: heresceafta heap? Ic eom Hroðgares
Hroðgares: 613: cwen Hroðgares, cynna gemyndig,
Hroðgares: 826: snotor ond swyðferhð, sele Hroðgares,
Hroðgares: 1456: þæt him on ðearfe lah ðyle Hroðgares;
Hroðgares: 1580: þonne he Hroðgares heorðgeneatas
Hroðgares: 1884: þa wæs on gange gifu Hroðgares
Hroðgares: 1899: ofer Hroðgares hordgestreonum.
Hroðgares: 2020: Hwilum for duguðe dohtor Hroðgares
Hroðgares: 2351: hildehlemma, syððan he Hroðgares,
Hroðmund: 1189: Hreðric ond Hroðmund, ond hæleþa bearn,
hroðre: 2448: hrefne to hroðre, ond he him helpe ne mæg,
hrof: 403: under Heorotes hrof
hrof: 836: Grendles grape under geapne hrof.
hrof: 926: stod on stapole, geseah steapne hrof,
hrof: 983: ofer heanne hrof hand sceawedon,
Hrof: 999: heorras tohlidene. Hrof ana genæs,
hrof: 1030: Ymb þæs helmes hrof heafodbeorge
hrof: 2755: brogdne beadusercean under beorges hrof.
hrofsele: 1515: ne him for hrofsele hrinan ne mehte
Hronesnæsse: 2805: heah hlifian on Hronesnæsse,
Hronesnæsse: 3136: har hilderinc to Hronesnæsse.
hronfixas: 540: heard on handa; wit unc wið hronfixas
hronrade: 10: ofer hronrade hyran scolde,
hroran: 1629: ða wæs of þæm hroran helm ond byrne
Hroþgar: 152: hwile wið Hroþgar, heteniðas wæg,
Hroþgar: 662: ða him Hroþgar gewat mid his hæleþa gedryht,
Hroþgar: 1236: ond him Hroþgar gewat to hofe sinum,
Hroþgare: 1296: Se wæs Hroþgare hæleþa leofost
Hroþgares: 717: þæt he Hroþgares ham gesohte;
Hroþgares: 1066: ðonne healgamen Hroþgares scop
hroþra: 2171: ond gehwæðer oðrum hroþra gemyndig.
Hroþulf: 1017: Hroðgar ond Hroþulf. Heorot innan wæs
Hroþulf: 1181: glædne Hroþulf, þæt he þa geogoðe wile
Hrunting: 1457: wæs þæm hæftmece Hrunting nama.
Hrunting: 1807: Heht þa se hearda Hrunting beran
Hruntinge: 1490: heardecg habban; ic me mid Hruntinge
Hruntinge: 1659: Ne meahte ic æt hilde mid Hruntinge
hruron: 1074: bearnum ond broðrum; hie on gebyrd hruron,
hruron: 1430: wyrmas ond wildeor; hie on weg hruron,
hruron: 1872: ond be healse genam; hruron him tearas,
hrusan: 772: wiðhæfde heaþodeorum, þæt he on hrusan ne feol,
hrusan: 2276: hord on hrusan, þær he hæðen gold
hrusan: 2279: heold on hrusan hordærna sum,
hrusan: 2411: hlæw under hrusan holmwylme neh,
hrusan: 2831: hreas on hrusan hordærne neah.
hruse: 2247: "Heald þu nu, hruse, nu hæleð ne moston,
Hruse: 2558: hat hildeswat. Hruse dynede.
hrycg: 471: sende ic Wylfingum ofer wæteres hrycg
hryre: 1680: æfter deofla hryre Denigea frean,
hryre: 2052: æfter hæleþa hryre, hwate Scyldungas?
hryre: 3005: æfter hæleða hryre, hwate Scildingas,
hryre: 3179: hlafordes hryre, heorðgeneatas,
hrysedon: 226: sæwudu sældon syrcan hrysedon,
hu: 3: hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.
hu: 116: hean huses, hu hit Hringdene
hu: 199: godne gegyrwan, cwæð, hu guðcyning
hu: 279: hu he frod ond god feond oferswyðeþ,
hu: 737: mæg Higelaces, hu se manscaða
hu: 844: hu he werigmod on weg þanon,
hu: 979: hu him scir metod scrifan wille.
hu: 1725: hu mihtig god manna cynne
Hu: 1987: "Hu lomp eow on lade, leofa Biowulf,
hu: 2093: To lang ys to reccenne hu ic ðam leodsceaðan
hu: 2318: hu se guðsceaða Geata leode
hu: 2519: wæpen to wyrme, gif ic wiste hu
hu: 2718: hu ða stanbogan stapulum fæste
hu: 2948: hu ða folc mid him fæhðe towehton.
hu: 3026: earne secgan hu him æt æte speow,
huðe: 124: huðe hremig to ham faran,
Huga: 2502: to handbonan, Huga cempan;
Hugas: 2914: heard wið Hugas, syððan Higelac cwom
hund: 1498: heorogifre beheold hund missera,
hund: 1769: Swa ic Hringdena hund missera
hund: 2278: Swa se ðeodsceaða þreo hund wintra
hund: 2994: sealde hiora gehwæðrum hund þusenda
hundum: 1368: ðeah þe hæðstapa hundum geswenced,
Hunlafing: 1143: þonne him Hunlafing hildeleoman,
huru: 182: ne hie huru heofena helm herian ne cuþon,
huru: 369: eorla geæhtlan; huru se aldor deah,
Huru: 669: Huru Geata leod georne truwode
huru: 862: Ne hie huru winedrihten wiht ne logon,
huru: 1071: Ne huru Hildeburh herian þorfte
Huru: 1465: Huru ne gemunde mago Ecglafes,
Huru: 1944: Huru þæt onhohsnode Hemminges mæg;
Huru: 2836: Huru þæt on lande lyt manna ðah,
Huru: 3120: Huru se snotra sunu Wihstanes
husa: 146: husa selest. Wæs seo hwil micel;
husa: 285: on heahstede husa selest.
husa: 658: Hafa nu ond geheald husa selest,
husa: 935: husa selest heorodreorig stod,
huses: 116: hean huses, hu hit Hringdene
huses: 1666: huses hyrdas. þa þæt hildebil
hwa: 52: hæleð under heofenum, hwa þæm hlæste onfeng.
hwa: 2252: gesawon seledream. Ic nah hwa sweord wege
hwa: 3126: Næs ða on hlytme hwa þæt hord strude,
hwæder: 1331: wælgæst wæfre; ic ne wat hwæder
hwæðer: 2530: secgas on searwum, hwæðer sel mæge
hwæðer: 2785: hwæðer collenferð cwicne gemette
hwæðre: 2228: hwæðre earmsceapen
hwæðre: 2298: on þære westenne; hwæðre wiges gefeh,
hwæðre: 2377: hwæðre he him on folce freondlarum heold,
hwæðre: 2442: hreðre hygemeðe; sceolde hwæðre swa þeah
hwæðre: 2874: gylpan þorfte; hwæðre him god uðe,
hwær: 138: þa wæs eaðfynde þe him elles hwær
hwær: 2029: sæcca gesette. Oft seldan hwær
Hwæt: 1: Hwæt. We Gardena in geardagum,
hwæt: 173: hwæt swiðferhðum selest wære
hwæt: 233: modgehygdum, hwæt þa men wæron.
Hwæt: 237: Hwæt syndon ge searohæbbendra,
hwæt: 474: gumena ængum hwæt me Grendel hafað
Hwæt: 530: Hwæt. þu worn fela, wine min Unferð,
hwæt: 880: þonne he swulces hwæt secgan wolde,
Hwæt: 942: snyttrum besyrwan. Hwæt, þæt secgan mæg
hwæt: 1186: hwæt wit to willan ond to worðmyndum
hwæt: 1476: goldwine gumena, hwæt wit geo spræcon,
Hwæt: 1652: "Hwæt! we þe þas sælac, sunu Healfdenes,
Hwæt: 1774: Hwæt, me þæs on eþle edwenden cwom,
Hwæt: 2248: eorla æhte! Hwæt, hyt ær on ðe
hwæt: 3010: on adfære. Ne scel anes hwæt
hwæt: 3068: þurh hwæt his worulde gedal weorðan sceolde.
hwæþer: 1314: hwæþer him alwalda æfre wille
hwæþer: 1356: hwæþer him ænig wæs ær acenned
Hwæþere: 574: Hwæþere me gesælde þæt ic mid sweorde ofsloh
hwæþere: 686: on swa hwæþere hond, halig dryhten,
Hwæþere: 970: feond on feþe. Hwæþere he his folme forlet
hwæþere: 1718: forð gefremede, hwæþere him on ferhþe greow
hwæþre: 555: grim on grape; hwæþre me gyfeþe wearð
hwæþre: 890: hwæþre him gesælde ðæt þæt swurd þurhwod
hwæþre: 1270: hwæþre he gemunde mægenes strenge,
hwæþre: 2098: hwæþre him sio swiðre swaðe weardade
hwam: 1696: geseted ond gesæd hwam þæt sweord geworht,
hwan: 2071: sinces brytta, to hwan syððan wearð
hwanan: 257: to gecyðanne hwanan eowre cyme syndon.
hwanan: 2403: Hæfde þa gefrunen hwanan sio fæhð aras,
Hwanon: 333: Hwanon ferigeað ge fætte scyldas,
hwar: 3062: gewrecen wraðlice. Wundur hwar þonne
hwata: 3028: Swa se secg hwata secggende wæs
hwate: 1601: hwate Scyldingas; gewat him ham þonon
hwate: 2052: æfter hæleþa hryre, hwate Scyldungas?
hwate: 2517: hwate helmberend, hindeman siðe,
hwate: 2642: hwate helmberend, þeah ðe hlaford us
hwate: 3005: æfter hæleða hryre, hwate Scildingas,
hwatum: 2161: hwatum Heorowearde, þeah he him hold wære,
hwaþere: 578: hwaþere ic fara feng feore gedigde,
hwealf: 576: under heofones hwealf heardran feohtan,
hwealf: 2015: under heofones hwealf healsittendra
hwearf: 55: folcum gefræge fæder ellor hwearf,
Hwearf: 356: Hwearf þa hrædlice þær Hroðgar sæt
Hwearf: 1188: Hwearf þa bi bence þær hyre byre wæron,
hwearf: 1573: hwearf þa be wealle, wæpen hafenade
hwearf: 1714: eaxlgesteallan, oþþæt he ana hwearf,
hwearf: 1980: meaglum wordum. Meoduscencum hwearf
hwearf: 2238: leoda duguðe, se ðær lengest hwearf,
hwearf: 2268: an æfter eallum, unbliðe hwearf
hwearf: 2832: Nalles æfter lyfte lacende hwearf
hwene: 2699: þæt he þone niðgæst nioðor hwene sloh,
hweorfan: 2888: idel hweorfan, syððan æðelingas
hwergen: 2590: elles hwergen, swa sceal æghwylc mon
hwette: 490: sigehreð secgum, swa þin sefa hwette.
hwetton: 204: hwetton higerofne, hæl sceawedon.
hwil: 146: husa selest. Wæs seo hwil micel;
hwil: 1495: hilderince. ða wæs hwil dæges
hwile: 16: lange hwile. Him þæs liffrea,
hwile: 105: wonsæli wer weardode hwile,
hwile: 152: hwile wið Hroþgar, heteniðas wæg,
hwile: 1762: ane hwile. Eft sona bið
hwile: 2030: æfter leodhryre lytle hwile
hwile: 2097: lytle hwile lifwynna breac;
hwile: 2137: þær unc hwile wæs hand gemæne,
hwile: 2159: leod Scyldunga lange hwile;
hwile: 2320: dryhtsele dyrnne, ær dæges hwile.
hwile: 2548: unbyrnende ænige hwile
hwile: 2571: life ond lice læssan hwile
hwile: 2780: longe hwile, ligegesan wæg
Hwilum: 175: Hwilum hie geheton æt hærgtrafum
hwilum: 496: scencte scir wered. Scop hwilum sang
Hwilum: 864: Hwilum heaþorofe hleapan leton,
Hwilum: 867: cystum cuðe. Hwilum cyninges þegn,
Hwilum: 916: Hwilum flitende fealwe stræte
Hwilum: 1728: Hwilum he on lufan læteð hworfan
hwilum: 1828: swa þec hetende hwilum dydon,
Hwilum: 2016: medudream maran. Hwilum mæru cwen,
Hwilum: 2020: Hwilum for duguðe dohtor Hroðgares
hwilum: 2107: hwilum hildedeor hearpan wynne,
hwilum: 2108: gomenwudu grette, hwilum gyd awræc
hwilum: 2109: soð ond sarlic, hwilum syllic spell
Hwilum: 2111: Hwilum eft ongan, eldo gebunden,
hwilum: 2299: beaduwe weorces, hwilum on beorh æthwearf,
hwilum: 3044: nihtes hwilum, nyðer eft gewat
hwita: 1448: ac se hwita helm hafelan werede,
hwone: 155: wið manna hwone mægenes Deniga,
hworfan: 1728: Hwilum he on lufan læteð hworfan
hwurfe: 264: Gebad wintra worn, ær he on weg hwurfe,
hwyder: 163: hwyder helrunan hwyrftum scriþað.
hwylc: 274: þæt mid Scyldingum sceaðona ic nat hwylc,
hwylc: 943: efne swa hwylc mægþa swa ðone magan cende
hwylc: 1104: gyf þonne Frysna hwylc frecnan spræce
hwylc: 2002: hwylc orleghwil uncer Grendles
hwylc: 2433: beorn in burgum, þonne his bearna hwylc,
hwylce: 1986: hwylce Sægeata siðas wæron):
hwylcum: 3057: efne swa hwylcum manna swa him gemet ðuhte.
hwyrfaþ: 98: cynna gehwylcum þara ðe cwice hwyrfaþ.
hwyrftum: 163: hwyder helrunan hwyrftum scriþað.
hy: 307: sigon ætsomne, oþþæt hy sæl timbred,
Hy: 364: Beowulf nemnað. Hy benan synt
Hy: 368: Hy on wiggetawum wyrðe þinceað
hy: 1048: mearum ond madmum, swa hy næfre man lyhð,
hy: 2124: Noðer hy hine ne moston, syððan mergen cwom,
hy: 2233: swa hy on geardagum gumena nathwylc,
hy: 2381: hæfdon hy forhealden helm Scylfinga,
hy: 2592: þæt ða aglæcean hy eft gemetton.
hy: 2598: hildecystum, ac hy on holt bugon,
hy: 2850: ac hy scamiende scyldas bæran,
hydan: 446: hafalan hydan, ac he me habban wile
hydan: 1372: hafelan hydan. Nis þæt heoru stow!
hyðe: 32: þær æt hyðe stod hringedstefna,
hyde: 2766: oferhigian, hyde se ðe wylle.
hyðweard: 1914: Hraþe wæs æt holme hyðweard geara,
Hygd: 1926: heah in healle, Hygd swiðe geong,
Hygd: 2369: þær him Hygd gebead hord ond rice,
Hygde: 2172: Hyrde ic þæt he ðone healsbeah Hygde gesealde,
Hyge: 755: Hyge wæs him hinfus, wolde on heolster fleon,
hygebendum: 1878: ac him on hreþre hygebendum fæst
hygegiomor: 2408: hæft hygegiomor, sceolde hean ðonon
Hygelac: 2151: heafodmaga nefne, Hygelac, ðec."
Hygelac: 2201: hildehlæmmum, syððan Hygelac læg
Hygelac: 2355: hondgemota, þær mon Hygelac sloh,
Hygelac: 2372: healdan cuðe, ða wæs Hygelac dead.
Hygelac: 2434: Herebeald ond Hæðcyn oððe Hygelac min.
Hygelace: 2169: hondgesteallan. Hygelace wæs,
Hygelaces: 813: ac hine se modega mæg Hygelaces
Hygelaces: 2386: sweordes swengum, sunu Hygelaces,
Hygelaces: 2943: syððan hie Hygelaces horn ond byman,
hygemeðe: 2442: hreðre hygemeðe; sceolde hwæðre swa þeah
hygesorga: 2328: hreow on hreðre, hygesorga mæst;
hyht: 179: hæþenra hyht; helle gemundon
Hylaces: 1530: mærða gemyndig mæg Hylaces.
Hylde: 688: Hylde hine þa heaþodeor, hleorbolster onfeng
hyldo: 670: modgan mægnes, metodes hyldo.
hyldo: 2067: þy ic Heaðobeardna hyldo ne telge,
hyldo: 2293: hyldo gehealdeþ! Hordweard sohte
hyldo: 2998: hamweorðunge, hyldo to wedde.
hylt: 1687: Hroðgar maðelode, hylt sceawode,
hym: 1918: oncerbendum fæst, þy læs hym yþa ðrym
hynða: 166: heardra hynða. Heorot eardode,
hynde: 2319: hatode ond hynde; hord eft gesceat,
hynðo: 475: hynðo on Heorote mid his heteþancum,
hynðo: 593: hynðo on Heorote, gif þin hige wære,
hynðo: 3155: hynðo ond hæftnyd. Heofon rece swealg.
hynðu: 277: hynðu ond hrafyl. Ic þæs Hroðgar mæg
hyne: 28: Hi hyne þa ætbæron to brimes faroðe,
hyne: 142: healðegnes hete; heold hyne syðþan
hyne: 975: synnum geswenced, ac hyne sar hafað
hyne: 1205: wælreaf werede; hyne wyrd fornam,
hyne: 1436: sundes þe sænra, ðe hyne swylt fornam.
hyne: 1628: þæs þe hi hyne gesundne geseon moston.
hyne: 1985: fægre fricgcean (hyne fyrwet bræc,
hyne: 2050: dyre iren, þær hyne Dene slogon,
hyne: 2184: swa hyne Geata bearn godne ne tealdon,
hyne: 2185: ne hyne on medobence micles wyrðne
hyne: 2204: ða hyne gesohtan on sigeþeode
hyne: 2230: þa hyne se fær begeat.
hyne: 2274: fyre befangen; hyne foldbuend
hyne: 2280: eacencræftig, oððæt hyne an abealch
Hyne: 2379: Wedergeatum weold. Hyne wræcmæcgas
hyne: 2437: syððan hyne Hæðcyn of hornbogan,
hyne: 2593: Hyrte hyne hordweard (hreðer æðme weoll)
hyne: 2707: ond hi hyne þa begen abroten hæfdon,
Hyne: 2720: Hyne þa mid handa heorodreorigne,
hyne: 2772: onsyn ænig, ac hyne ecg fornam.
hyne: 2784: frætwum gefyrðred; hyne fyrwet bræc,
hyne: 2812: beah ond byrnan, het hyne brucan well:
hyne: 2854: wehte hyne wætre; him wiht ne speow.
hyne: 2872: wraðe forwurpe, ða hyne wig beget.
hyne: 2875: sigora waldend, þæt he hyne sylfne gewræc
hyne: 2883: þrong ymbe þeoden, þa hyne sio þrag becwom.
hyne: 2916: þær hyne Hetware hilde genægdon,
Hyne: 2964: Eafores anne dom. Hyne yrringa
hyne: 2976: ac he hyne gewyrpte, þeah ðe him wund hrine.
hyne: 3082: lete hyne licgean þær he longe wæs,
hyra: 178: wið þeodþreaum. Swylc wæs þeaw hyra,
hyra: 324: in hyra gryregeatwum gangan cwomon.
hyra: 1012: ymb hyra sincgyfan sel gebæran.
hyra: 1055: mane acwealde, swa he hyra ma wolde,
hyra: 1246: þrecwudu þrymlic. Wæs þeaw hyra
hyra: 2040: swæse gesiðas ond hyra sylfra feorh.
hyra: 2311: on hyra sincgifan sare geendod.
hyra: 2849: on hyra mandryhtnes miclan þearfe,
hyran: 10: ofer hronrade hyran scolde,
hyran: 2754: hyran heaðosiocum, hringnet beran,
hyrdas: 1666: huses hyrdas. þa þæt hildebil
hyrde: 38: ne hyrde ic cymlicor ceol gegyrwan
hyrde: 62: hyrde ic þæt wæs Onelan cwen,
hyrde: 582: swylcra searoniða secgan hyrde,
hyrde: 610: folces hyrde fæstrædne geþoht.
hyrde: 750: Sona þæt onfunde fyrena hyrde
hyrde: 875: þæt he fram Sigemundes secgan hyrde
hyrde: 887: hordes hyrde. He under harne stan,
hyrde: 931: wunder æfter wundre, wuldres hyrde.
hyrde: 1197: Nænigne ic under swegle selran hyrde
hyrde: 1346: selerædende, secgan hyrde
hyrde: 1742: sawele hyrde; bið se slæp to fæst,
hyrde: 1832: folces hyrde, þæt he mec fremman wile
hyrde: 1842: on sefan sende; ne hyrde ic snotorlicor
hyrde: 1849: folces hyrde, ond þu þin feorh hafast,
hyrde: 2023: nemnan hyrde, þær hio nægled sinc
hyrde: 2027: rices hyrde, ond þæt ræd talað,
Hyrde: 2163: Hyrde ic þæt þam frætwum feower mearas
Hyrde: 2172: Hyrde ic þæt he ðone healsbeah Hygde gesealde,
hyrde: 2245: hringa hyrde hordwyrðne dæl,
hyrde: 2304: wæs ða gebolgen beorges hyrde,
hyrde: 2505: ac in compe gecrong cumbles hyrde,
hyrde: 2644: to gefremmanne, folces hyrde,
hyrde: 2981: folces hyrde, wæs in feorh dropen.
hyrde: 3080: rices hyrde, ræd ænigne,
hyrde: 3133: flod fæðmian frætwa hyrde.
hyrdon: 66: georne hyrdon, oðð þæt seo geogoð geweox,
hyrdon: 273: swa we soþlice secgan hyrdon
hyre: 945: þæt hyre ealdmetod este wære
hyre: 1188: Hwearf þa bi bence þær hyre byre wæron,
hyre: 1339: mihtig manscaða, wolde hyre mæg wrecan,
hyre: 1545: Ofsæt þa þone selegyst ond hyre seax geteah,
hyre: 2121: hyre bearn gewræc, beorn acwealde
hyre: 2175: swancor ond sadolbeorht; hyre syððan wæs
hyre: 3153: þæt hio hyre heofungdagas hearde ondrede,
hyrsta: 3164: eall swylce hyrsta, swylce on horde ær
hyrste: 2988: hares hyrste Higelace bær.
hyrsted: 672: helm of hafelan, sealde his hyrsted sweord,
hyrsted: 2255: Sceal se hearda helm hyrsted golde
hyrstum: 2762: hyrstum behrorene; þær wæs helm monig
Hyrte: 2593: Hyrte hyne hordweard (hreðer æðme weoll)
hyse: 1217: hyse, mid hæle, ond þisses hrægles neot,
hyt: 2091: manigra sumne; hyt ne mihte swa,
hyt: 2158: cwæð þæt hyt hæfde Hiorogar cyning,
hyt: 2248: eorla æhte! Hwæt, hyt ær on ðe
hyt: 2310: leodum on lande, swa hyt lungre wearð
hyt: 2480: fæhðe ond fyrene, swa hyt gefræge wæs,
hyt: 2585: nacod æt niðe, swa hyt no sceolde,
hyt: 2649: helpan hildfruman, þenden hyt sy,
hyt: 2679: hildebille, þæt hyt on heafolan stod
hyt: 3161: wealle beworhton, swa hyt weorðlicost