October 27: Margaret Hutchinson Rousseau

Penicillin bioreactor — deep-tank method.

We often take note of major discoveries, like the discovery of Penicillin in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming, but we don’t always recognize the effort it takes to make the results of these medical advances widely available. Margaret Hutchinson was born on October 27, 1910. She received her degree in science at Rice in… Continue reading October 27: Margaret Hutchinson Rousseau

October 26: Alfred the Great

The Alfred Jewel (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) (c) 2014 Christe McMenomy

In the traditions of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox churches, October 26 is the feast of St. Alfred the Great, King of the West Saxons from 871 to 886 and then of a unified Anglo-Saxon kingdom until his death on October 26, 899. He is remembered largely for his success in warding off Viking… Continue reading October 26: Alfred the Great