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Textbooks for Philosophy Subjects

Our teachers have carefully selected classical education textbooks which present their course materials in an organized manner, but which also reflect our primary mission to provide a rigorous and thorough preparation for the life of the mind in Christ. Please read the information supplied in their notes carefully. In some cases, you may be able to substitute editions, but not in others. In many cases, used versions of the textbook will be available through Amazon or ABE Books. If you have any questions about the appropriateness of a text for your student, or about the correct edition to buy, please contact the teacher.

As an Amazon Associate, Scholars Online earns income from qualifying purchases, which is deposited to our Scholarship fund. We encourage to buy your Scholars Online texts (and other Amazon purchases) through our bookstore links to help fund scholarships for needy students.

During the early part of the calendar year, the bookstore may list textbooks for courses from both the current academic year, and the upcoming summer and fall academic years. Not all textbooks will be listed until teachers approve course descriptions and select their books. Be sure that you order books for the correct enrollment year.

Textbooks for both Summer and Academic Year 2025 Courses

Courses in Philosophy

Plato’s Meno (1906) • [2025 (Summer)] Bruce McMenomy
  Required: Meno [Edition required: 2]
Plato, G. M. A. Grube (Translator)
This version or the composite volume of five dialogues (including the Meno) is required. Both are not. If you already have the other volume from one of our other courses, that will suffice.

  Required: Plato: Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo [Edition required: 2]
Plato; John M. Cooper, G. M. A Grube (Translator)
If you have already bought this collection of five dialogues for one of the other courses we’ve offered, it should suffice; if you want just the Meno alone, select the other option. One or the other is required, both are not.

Textbooks for both Summer and Academic Year 2024 Courses

Plato’s Laches (1842) • [2024 (Summer)] Bruce McMenomy
  Required: Meno and Other Dialogues [Edition required: 1]
Plato, Robin Waterfield
Try to get this edition: it will eliminate pointless disagreements about wording. Waterfield’s translations and notes are solid.

Great Debates (1840) • [2024] Rachel Lott
No texts are listed for this course at this time.

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