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Scholars Online Endorsements

What Parents and Students have told us about their Scholars Online Experience

We thank the parents and students who have allowed us to publish some of the recommendations for our online courses that we've received over the years.

Our own children have taken Scholars Online classes and we were very pleased with the results.

—Mary Pride, publisher of Practical Homeschooling Magazine

Scholars Online offers more rigorous, more intellectually honest, better rounded, and more socially stimulating education than any of the universities I have attended as student or taught at as faculty.

—John E.

I took a number of courses from Scholars Online during high school, and I can honestly say that Dr Bruce McMenomy’s courses changed my life. He taught me to appreciate how texts can engage the deep questions of human experience, opening my mind to the possibility of exploring new worlds through literature. But he also taught me to think critically and to articulate myself through writing, both of which have foundational to my subsequent academic success. After graduation, I majored in English Literature at the University of Dallas, received a masters in theology at Harvard, and completed my doctorate in biblical studies at Oxford, and I now work as a postdoctoral researcher in Zurich studying literary approaches to the Bible. I can trace the roots of both my interests and my abilities directly to the skilful instruction and mentoring of Dr Bruce. Now I’m enrolling my own son in Scholars Online!

—Hans D.

I would like to thank you for teaching such a wonderful course. We're so grateful that Julia was exposed to this curriculum. Julia now has an interest in science that would not have developed had she not been introduced to the people of science. She's my people person kid. The natural science class stretched Julia and because of it she has “grown” in so many ways.”

—Glen K.

Good education is more than learning facts or making good grades. Character development and thoughtful reasoning skills may be more important in the long run. So thankful my kids have had Dr. Christe, who not only teaches advanced, thought provoking material, but also uses the rigor of science to guide students toward being thoughtful members of society, who will hopefully be better at reconciliation and less prone to partisan bickering than those mentioned in her blog post! Thank you, Dr. Christe Ann McMenomy!

—Virginia C.

I can't begin to share all that our kids have learned from Scholar's Online....yes, they have learned to balance a full work load and manage their time wisely. They have learned to make notecards and study in new, efficient ways. They have learned to meet rigorous deadlines.

More importantly, their professors are teaching them to think....REALLY think. They are learning to respectfully discuss opposing viewpoints, they are grappling with ideas that point to a higher purpose.

I'm so pleased with the information they are learning, but even more amazed by the students they are becoming.

—Stacy M.

These folks are amazing. The depth of reading, historical background, and knowledge they possess and impart to their students lasts a lifetime. If you’re a homeschooling parent or considering it, Dr. M’s literature classes are truly college-preparatory.

—Rachel B.

In 1980 I began my home school journey. About twenty years later I was introduced to the teaching of Dr. Bruce and Dr. Christe McMenomy. Five of my children have been enrolled in their online classes. Had I a silver tongue, I could adequately express what these teachers have done for my children academically and morally. They have played a large part in helping my children not only learn about their world, but also learn how to interpret their world as an informed Christian. My family has benefited so much from their teaching personally, spiritually, and even financially. Had it not been for the McMenomys, my boys would not have performed so well on the PSAT, SAT, ACT and in the National Merit competition. The scholarships that my children have received because of their excellent high school training now adds up collectively to over $300K. Even though I can't adequately express my admiration and gratitude, I can try by encouraging other home school parents to look at the Scholars Online classical Christian school - and especially the classes taught by these two educators. An education from Scholars Online is worth every effort that a student puts into it.

—Cheryl D.

Dr. Bruce, Dr. Christe, thank you both so much. Between IB and Scholars Online, I am more than prepared for college. I've had no trouble with my papers, homework, or the amount of reading/work we do in my language classes. In fact, of my friends, I'm probably the one with the most time, despite all my activities. I don't think I can possibly express how grateful I am to both of you for creating a school where the students are encouraged to explore, to ask questions, and to think creatively and analytically, and not just to look for the highest grade. From your example, I've realized that I want (and feel called) to go into education, so that I can support and inspire the next generations in a similar way.

—Holli H. M., Classics major

I’m doing great! I cannot tell you how many times I have pulled something out of my head from your class and my physics professors looked at me funny. I knew Wien’s law and the Stefan-Boltzmann law from memory, as well as which spectral type tends to display the strongest TiO absorption lines. The opportunities here are amazing! The majority of the observatory workers are freshmen (including me). I write regularly for the observatory corner in our student newspaper. I’ve discovered several variable stars since those ones I found on my college visit. I went on a road trip with the physics and astronomy department to the Michigan Space Consortium. The astronomy professor here asked me to put together his bibliography for him! And now he’s making it sound like he is almost certainly going to hire me to do summer research with him! I can never thank you enough for how well you prepared me for this!

—Evan C., Astronomy major

We would like to say thank you to you and Dr. Bruce for all you have done for us.  I know I have said this many times already but it bears repeating and I say it from the bottom of my heart-we simply could not have had the quality home school experience we did without you two. And not only that but thank you also for your support through the entire college application process.

—George H.

Thank you, too, for all of the work you have done over the years with my boys. They are much better students because of it. In fact, J. has done exceptionally well in college and credits part of his success to the skills he learned from your classes. If he keeps up his academic work this final year, which he is planning on, he will graduate magna cum laude... Your attention to detail, demand for excellence, and high level of academic requirements have made a huge difference in both of the boys’ lives and academics.

—Joy O.

I want to again thank you for the girls‘ participation in the classes at Scholars Online. I have never had my children so excited about learning. The teachers are extremely well qualified and also are excellent with children of all ages. Remembering back to my total frustration with other online classes and the choices locally for education, I can certainly say that God answered my plea for help.

—Barbara P.

I really just want to say thank you both for Scholars Online! Your school has been such a tremendous encouragement and blessing to our family while missionaries in Japan. The generosity you gave through the scholarships we received and the willingness for your company to provide good overseas times for our son truly blessed us. We could not have made it through those first two years of high school math without your help. We were so impressed with the level of professionalism and also, a genuine caring for your students to succeed in their education. Your teacher worked with our son tirelessly 3 days a week and prepared him for the rigors he will need to succeed in higher learning.

—Linda H.

Thank you for being a great science teacher! You have given me a solid foundation for not only science but also the history of science, which in these days is a rare and invaluable perspective. Science in general has a lot more meaning when you know the history of it and can make all of the connections.

—Thomas P.

It has been a few years since I took your AP English class here. To this day it remains the most stimulating, insightful, and thrilling course I have taken. At the moment I am drafting an opinion piece on Education for our student newspaper. While forming it, I realized that your influence on my thinking had not diminished and I remembered being very struck by some of these blog posts. Much to my joy and vindication I found one of my crucial points “All your ability to retain information and articulate your viewpoint with eloquence counts as nothing in real understanding which is an intimate and powerful encounter” to be almost exactly paralleled in your statement “True education is a real encounter.” So let this be a small token to you that what you have to give is bearing fruit whether you see it or not.

—Andrew K.

Scholars Online is fully accredited through the Middle States Accreditation Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools.

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