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Course Description
Section dates, meeting times, and tuition are still being determined. Click on instructor name to contact instructor and suggest your course schedule preferences.
Greek III or equivalent. If not Greek III, please contact the instructor for evaluation and permission to enroll. Currently offerings for the course alternate between Greek IV and Greek V; they can be taken in any order.
Recommended background
The course presupposes no prior acquaintance with the Homeric dialect, but expects substantial fluency in Attic Greek.
Textbooks and Materials
This item is required:
Homer: Odyssey I-XII , Authors: Homer, W. B. Stanford
ISBN: 1853995029
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
This item is required:
Homeric Vocabularies: Greek and English Word List for the Study of Homer , Authors: William B. Owen, Edgar J. Goodspeed
ISBN: 0806108282
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
This item is recommended but not required and its use is optional:
Greek Grammar , Authors: Herbert Weir Smyth, Gordon M. Messing
ISBN: 0674362500
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: This is available in various forms. Some solid reference grammar is highly recommended. It need not be this one.
This item is recommended but not required and its use is optional:
Homeric Dictionary , Authors: Georg Autenrieth
ISBN: 0715617737
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: An alternative to Cunliffe's Homeric Lexicon. One or the other is required. (It is worth noting that Autenrieth's Homeric Lexicon is included with the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App "Lexiphanes", which bundles it with the large LSJ for about three dollars.)
This item is recommended but not required and its use is optional:
Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect , Authors: Richard J. Cunliffe
ISBN: 0806114304
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: This lexicon or Autenrieth's is required. (It is worth noting that Autenrieth's Homeric Lexicon is included with the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App "Lexiphanes", which bundles it with the large LSJ for about three dollars.)
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