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Course Description

Academic Year 2024-2025 • Grade 11 and above • Science Sequence


Chemistry builds on concepts of matter and chemical reactions acquired in junior high or basic chemistry by introducing more advanced methods of chemical analysis and more detailed models of atomic structure, electron configurations, and chemical bonds. Using these tools, we explore aspects of acid-base and precipitation reactions, simple solution preparation, chemical equilibria, and energy. We then look at the factors affection reaction rates, especially for reactions in solutions and electric cells. Additional topics may include environmental chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and the characteristics of chemical families, depending on student interest.

REQUIRED LAB WORK: Students must complete three safety checkout labs, then design, plan, and carry out nine labs (total 12 labs) for course credit.

This course is taught using the Scholars Online Chat software, which allows the teacher to embed graphics, mathematical equations, and movies in the chat session, with complete logging available for the entire year. Audio software is not used to allow students with limited internet access to participate fully, and to encourage precise thinking and writing skills.

Course Website: Chemistry

Sections and Teachers

Instructor: Christe McMenomy

Section dates, meeting times, and tuition are still being determined. Click on instructor name to contact instructor and suggest your course schedule preferences.


Students should have completed a first year algebra and a year geometry course or their equivalent, and be taking a second year algebra course. They must be able to factor algebraic expressions and be able to solve the quadratic equation. Use of scientific notation and logarithmic expressions will be covered during the course. See the Teacher's website for more details.

Recommended background

A junior high school level course in physical science is highly recommended. Students without a basic chemistry course should also have completed either ScholarsOnline Natural Science Year II, Biology, or Astronomy, or their equivalent.

Teacher's notes:

Attendance at two weekly sessions is required for all students. These sessions will cover textbook materials and homework assignments; some sessions will also include lab preparation and review.

Textbooks and Materials

This item is required:

Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity [Edition or Version: 10], Authors: John C. Kotz, Paul M. GTreichel, John Townsend, David Treichel

ISBN: 1337399078

Publisher's website: Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity

Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore

Other information: The hardcover, softcover, and eBook (available from VitalSource) versions of the tenth edition include all materials required for the course. Please be sure to purchase the 10th edition (with the floating iceberg cover) as the materials are not the same within editions. You do not need to purchase OWL or any access to the publisher's site; all materials for the course will be available from Scholars Online's secure Moodle site.

This item is required:

Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments [Edition or Version: 1], Authors: Robert Bruce Thompson

ISBN: 0596514921

Publisher's website: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore

Other information: We will use this text as the basis of our chemistry lab efforts.

This item is recommended but not required and its use is optional:

Home Chemistry Laboratory Kit CK01A , Authors: Robert B. and Barbara F. Thompson


Publisher's website: Home Chemistry Laboratory Kit CK01A

Best sources: The Home Scientist

Other information: The CK01A version of the chemistry kit contains most (but not all) equipment required to complete the AP level chemistry experiments for this course. While it is possible to secure individual items for each lab, and may be less expensive for students completing only the Honors option, you may find purchase the kit more convenient.

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