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Course Description
Instructor: Bruce McMenomy
Starts: September 9, 2024
Ends: May 30, 2025
Monday 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM ET
Tuition: $600.00
There is more information at the teacher's course Website: Western Literature to Dante
An extensive exposure to the literature of ancient and mediaeval times, from scripture through mediaeval epic and romance, this tough but engaging course is unlike any other you are likely to find. It requires a large amount of reading, while exploring its themes and problems at a fairly high level, weighing what is alien and what is familiar to us in cultures separated from us by long stretches of history. It also serves as an introduction to classical literature for those who want to pursue Greek and/or Latin seriously beyond the mere rudiments of the language. It has also been taken on several occasions by adults, who are more than welcome to participate if they behave themselves
Taught continuously since 1996, this course has often been cited by graduating seniors as their favorite class in the literature sequence; many of them have continued to study classics or mediaeval literature in college. It is occasionally supplemented by a Western Literature to Dante II course, which covers (mostly) the same time period, but goes through a completely different body of literature.
None, though World Literature or a preliminary mythology course may be advantageous.
Recommended background
None; a strong interest in the subject area and a willingness to read extensively - for a number of hours each week - are required to make a success of the course. It is not, however, conducted at such depth that the average student cannot handle it reasonably comfortably, provided only an ability to read reasonably well.
Textbooks and Materials
This item is required:
Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature , Authors: Erich Auerbach, Willard R. Trask (tr.)
ISBN: 0691160228
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
This item is required:
The Aeneid (Penguin Classics) , Authors: Virgil, David West
ISBN: 0140449329
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please do not resort to other translations; they tend to cause confusion in class.
This item is required:
The Consolation of Philosophy [Edition or Version: 2], Authors: Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius, tr. Victor Watts
ISBN: 0140447806
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
This item is required:
The Greek Plays [Edition or Version: 1], Authors: Mary Lefkowitz, James Romm, edd.
ISBN: 0812983092
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: If you have already acquired the Lind Ten Greek Plays, that will suffice. The translations here are more up to date and more complete, however, and this should be useful.
This item is required:
The Holy Bible: New International Translation , Authors: Various, NIV Commission (tr.)
ISBN: 0310906520
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: You need some translation of the Bible for this course, preferably a reasonably modern one; it need not be this edition or even this translation. I value the New International Version for its literal accuracy, though its language tends to be rather stiff and sometime slanted; the King James Version, while beautiful and a work of genius in its day, is laden with numerous pitfalls for the modern reader. The Revised Standard Version is reasonably sound, if you can get it; the New Revised Standard Version is riddled with politically motivated compromises of every sort. Other options would be the Jerusalem Bible or the New English Bible.
This item is required:
The Iliad (Penguin Classics) , Authors: Homer, Robert Fagles
ISBN: 0140445927
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please do not resort to other translations; doing so makes referring to pages impossible, and creates unnecessary storms of opinion relating to translated forms. You may get any other edition of the Fagles translation required, though.
This item is required:
The Nibelungenlied: Prose Translation , Authors: Anonymous, A. T. Hatto (tr.)
ISBN: 0140441379
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please do not resort to other translations of this work; they tend to create confusions in class.
This item is required:
The Odyssey (Penguin Classics) , Authors: Homer, D. C. H. Rieu, Peter V. Jones, E. V. Rieu
ISBN: 0140449116
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please do not resort to other translations; they are likely to create confusion in class.
This item is required:
The Portable Dante , Authors: Dante Alighieri, Mark Musa (tr.)
ISBN: 0142437549
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please do not resort to other translations of this: it tends to create confusion in class. In addition, many other translations of Dante's Divine Comedy are very stilted and awkward, creating tonal and dictional problems of their own.
This item is required:
The Saga of the Volsungs (Penguin Classics) , Authors: Anonymous, Jesse L. Byock
ISBN: 0140447385
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please do not resort to other translations if possible: it tends to create confusion in class. (The translation by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson is very archaic in diction and hence quite difficult for many students to read.)
This item is required:
The Song of Roland (Penguin Classics) , Authors: Anonymous, Glyn S. Burgess (tr.)
ISBN: 0140445323
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please do not resort to other translations if possible; they tend to cause confusions in class.
This item is required:
Western Literature to Dante: A Parents' Guide [Edition or Version: 3], Authors: Bruce A. McMenomy
ISBN: 1448601290
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: This is a handbook I have prepared for parents who have enrolled for the course, or who are considering it. It gives a complete rundown of course elements, pedagogical goals, study techniques, and background material on each unit to help parents evaluate the course's suitability or to guide their children through it.
This item is recommended but not required and its use is optional:
Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes , Authors: Edith Hamilton
ISBN: 0446607258
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Not required, but encouraged for those who have no background in mythology: have this read over the summer.
This item is recommended but not required and its use is optional:
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights (Dover Storybooks for Children) , Authors: Howard Pyle
ISBN: 0486214451
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Not required, but students who have no background in the Arthurian tales may benefit from reading this through before the second half of the course.
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