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Course Description

Academic Year 2024-2025 • Grade 8 and above • Greek Sequence

For reference only; see current year course listing for course availability and details.

Greek II

Sections and Teachers

Section 1:

Instructor: Bruce McMenomy

Starts: September 3, 2024
Ends: May 30, 2025

Dates and times to be arranged with enrolled students.

Tuition: $650.00

This course continues with Units 11-20 of the Hansen and Quinn introductory textbook. By the time they have finished, students should have mastery of a core vocabulary, all significant inflectional forms, and the main syntax of Greek, and be prepared to tackle Attic Greek readings. In the past, students completing only Greek II have tested into upper-division Greek courses in college. The New Testament should also be fairly easy to read at this point.


Greek I through this program, or some other program offering Hansen and Quinn units 1-10. Due to the order of presentation of materials, no other preparation will really be adequate.

Recommended background

Greek I or another program covering Hansen and Quinn Units 1-10 is a prerequisite for this course. A different text will not do the job, since no two textbooks of elementary Greek take up all the same topics in the same order.

Textbooks and Materials

This item is required:

Greek: An Intensive Course [Edition or Version: 2], Authors: Hardy Hansen, Gerald M. Quinn

ISBN: 0823216632

Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore

Other information: Second revised edition. Hardcover version may be substituted. The student probably already has this from Greek I.

This item is recommended but not required and its use is optional:

Greek New Testament: With English Introduction including Greek/English dictionary [Edition or Version: 4], Authors: Kurt Aland (Editor)

ISBN: 3438051133

Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore

Other information: Optional though recommended: regular reading in the Greek New Testament is an excellent way to bolster one's Greek and to achieve a better mastery of Scripture.

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