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Course Description

Summer 2024 • Grade 6 and above • History Sequence

Around the World in Nine Weeks

During our first session, we'll explore the nature of geography and its branches — physical, social, environmental, and regional, and the disciplines of mapmaking and chartmaking to display information tied to locations. In the following seven weeks, using short videos, animations, and live chat discussions, we will look at major regions of the world, focusing on physical geography. In our final session, you will present reports on a region or country that you find particularly fascinating. Be better prepared to understand historical information, literary references, and current events!

Course Website: Around the World in Nine Weeks

Sections and Teachers

Section 1:

Instructor: Christe McMenomy

Starts: June 10, 2024
Ends: August 16, 2024

Wednesday 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM ET

Tuition: $250.00


None required.

Recommended background

None required.

Teacher's notes:

We will use available internet resources to gain experience in different methods of data presentation and map reading.

Textbooks and Materials

There are no textbook or materials currently required for this course. Check instructor's notes above for additional information, or contact the instructor.

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