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Course Description
Instructor: Bruce McMenomy
Starts: August 31, 2025
Ends: May 29, 2026
Tuesday 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM ET • Thursday 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM ET
Tuition: $750.00
Using the long-established and brilliantly annotated collection From Aeneas to Augustus, this course offers a range of engaging readings on the history of Rome from its foundation down to the end of the Republic. Students will find old favorite stories and discover new ones — from semi-mythical narratives like the story of Horatius at the bridge to wry personal letters of Cicero. Throughout we’ll be systematically reviewing both the grammatical basics that were covered in the elementary Latin sequence and building a framework for understanding Roman history, all of which will continue to be useful in understanding the material of Latin IV.
Latin II or equivalent. We do not insist that a student take our elementary sequence, but would like to see evidence of equivalent mastery. I have a placement exam that will help us reach a rational point of insertion into the program. Please write to me for clarification if you would like that.
Recommended background
Any previous historical reading in Roman history will be helpful, and any complete elementary course sequence (Wheelock, Henle, Oxford, Cambridge, or others) should suffice as preparation for the grammatical part of the course.
Textbooks and Materials
This item is required:
Aeneas to Augustus [Edition or Version: 2], Authors: Mason Hammond, Anne Amory
ISBN: 0674006003
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
This item is required:
Ancient Rome: An Introductory History , Authors: Paul A. Zoch
ISBN: 0806132876
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
This item is required:
Syntactical Mechanics [Edition or Version: 1], Authors: Bruce A. McMenomy
ISBN: 0806144947
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
This item is recommended but not required and its use is optional:
Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome , Authors: Lesley Adkins, Roy A. Adkins
ISBN: 0195123328
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
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