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Course Description
Instructor: Bruce McMenomy
Starts: June 9, 2025
Ends: August 15, 2025
Wednesday 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET
Tuition: $275.00
A second summer full of Shakespeare — we go through ten of the Bard's lesser-known plays, touching comedy, tragedy, history, and romance:
* Love’s Labour’s Lost
* The Comedy of Errors
* The Merry Wives of Windsor
* All’s Well That Ends Well
* Antony and Cleopatra
* Coriolanus
* Henry VI, Parts 1, 2, and 3
* The Winter’s Tale
None necessary; does not overlap (or presuppose) Summer Shakespeare I. These courses can be taken in any order.
Recommended background
Some familiarity with Shakespearean English is helpful; some experience seeing Shakespeare on stage or on screen would also be useful.
Textbooks and Materials
This item is required:
All’s Well That Ends Well , Authors: William Shakespeare
ISBN: 0743484975
Publisher's website: All’s Well That Ends Well
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please use this edition only — there is enough variation in Shakespeare’s texts that resorting to different editions in class tends to create confusion.
This item is required:
Antony and Cleopatra , Authors: William Shakespeare
ISBN: 0743482859
Publisher's website: Antony and Cleopatra
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please use this edition only — there is enough variation in Shakespeare’s texts that resorting to different editions in class tends to create confusion.
This item is required:
Coriolanus , Authors: William Shakespeare
ISBN: 0671722581
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please use this edition only — there is enough variation in Shakespeare’s texts that resorting to different editions in class tends to create confusion.
This item is required:
Henry VI, Part 1 , Authors: William Shakespeare
ISBN: 0671722662
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please use this edition only — there is enough variation in Shakespeare texts that we need to have a standardized text to which to refer.
This item is required:
Henry VI, Part 2 , Authors: William Shakespeare
ISBN: 0671722670
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please use this edition only — there is enough variation in Shakespeare texts that we need to have a standardized text to which to refer.
This item is required:
Henry VI, Part 3 , Authors: William Shakespeare
ISBN: 0671722689
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
This item is required:
Love’s Labour’s Lost , Authors: William Shakespeare
ISBN: 0743484924
Publisher's website: Love’s Labour’s Lost
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please use this edition only — there is enough variation in Shakespeare’s texts that resorting to different editions in class tends to create confusion.
This item is required:
The Comedy of Errors , Authors: William Shakespeare
ISBN: 0743484886
Publisher's website: The Comedy of Errors
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please use this edition only — there is enough variation in Shakespeare’s texts that resorting to different editions in class tends to create confusion.
This item is required:
The Merry Wives of Windsor , Authors: William Shakesepeare
ISBN: 0671722786
Publisher's website: The Merry Wives of Windsor
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please use this edition only — there is enough variation in Shakespeare’s texts that resorting to different editions in class tends to create confusion.
This item is required:
The Winter’s Tale , Authors: William Shakespeare
ISBN: 0743484894
Publisher's website: The Winter’s Tale
Best sources: Scholars Online Bookstore
Other information: Please use this edition only — there is enough variation in Shakespeare’s texts that resorting to different editions in class tends to create confusion.
Teacher's course Website: The Winter’s Tale
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