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Course Description

Academic Year 2024-2025 • Grade 8 and above • Writing Sequence

For reference only; see current year course listing for course availability and details.

Writing for the College-bound

Sections and Teachers

Section 1:

Instructor: Emily Pearson

Starts: September 3, 2024
Ends: May 30, 2025

Friday 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM ET

Tuition: $500.00

There is more information at the teacher's course Website: Writing for the College-bound

Expository writing in an academic setting imposes specific demands on the high school and college student. Writing clear prose that presents a position in a compelling manner is a fundamental skill not only for college work but for every citizen participating in civil discourse in a democracy.

Using a proven sequence of exercises, students will learn how to identify different kinds of essay questions, organize evidence in an orderly manner, avoid logical fallacies and vague generalizations, and proofread their final drafts for common errors.

Students who require a self-paced asynchronous approach or wish to focus first on specific grammatical skills should consider the Cursus scriptorum course.


Practical Grammar (Scholars Online summer course), acceptable work in Cursus Scriptorum, or the equivalent. Students will need to offer a writing sample before being admitted to the course.

Recommended background

Students must have a fundamental grasp of basic grammar and syntax.

Textbooks and Materials

There are no textbook or materials currently required for this course.

Check instructor‘s notes above for additional information, or contact the instructor.

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